"March On for the Good of It"

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

America goes so goes the world. “As if we were a Slaughterhouse 5 novel or sequel.” Surely ...We owe a debt of gratitude to the world for we have profit the most. Out of any industrialized nation. Through manipulations, slavery and slaughter. Our history is not pristine or that much to brag about. Although I am grateful for the sacrifices and sometimes death of children, women and men. Needlessly and with malice in the soul we must over come the ignorance of the mind. You cannot take someone to a place and allow them to learn and grow. How will they know if they don't hear, see experience that through oral utterances and learning.

If you do this you will have and enemy
If you don't do this you will have and enemy

For one day you will have an enemy. But through action of compassion and doing the real you make amends. The honorable Statesman and Great African Leader Nelson Mandela led the World to the power in understanding human ignorance even at the expense of others. Two wrongs don't make it right..."it is no wonder ..." That African Slaves were forbidden to learn. To Read, write with logic although these basics are taught in grammar school but beyond that the dialog was or is rad, radical or with a revolutionary funk or not at all. Mainly separate and not always equal in past and today.

This mindset, experiences or way of life is taught, emulated and is alive and well today. And is it true... so goes America so goes the world? Yet we let our children and our collective minds linger on the corners of street cred, and Horatio Alger stories top the best sellers list. Look he/she did it and so can you. Statistics, collected facts show that the War on Drugs built a billion dollar empire and incarcerated almost 3 generations of young black and brown males. "The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander pub:2010 

Survival of the fit (smart, educated, rich, intelligent)
Which will surely cause problems with the people who don't have access to learn. Or who are encourage through stay alive and various other reach one teach one motto, learning for everyone should have no barriers. Yet we permit them.
Surely it must be through a mass of hurt, pain self inflicted due to the contagion of ignorance ran loose decades past. Surely, and... are we naive to the facts of history and someday I'll be laid down in my grave, yes someday.

One day I'll be laid down in my grave
one day I'll be laid down in my grave
One day you'll be laid down in your grave
one day you'll be laid down in your grave
That day we'll rise up to the call
that day we'll rise up to the call
Went we prepare our way
went we prepare our way
We will know that day when it comes
we will know that day when it comes
So goes America, so goes the world!

And what would have change the style in the dialog the new wonder, or what works for all people. Traditions mores and religious ideology must always be allowed free speech. With no defense for the things that infringe on the rights, morels or enslavement of another human being or thing. There is no defense except as a crime and an infringement. Humans are not national treasures but world benefactors and stewards of this planet. Its air, water, and resources belong to the peoples of the world.
When America decides as a people to rise above the oligarchies, and corporate nepotism that have plague our governance mainly due to dogmatic ideologies that are idiotic. Yet allowed because of our Constitutional values. When we begin to practice one in harmony regardless of mindset or ideology race or class.
So goes America so goes the world

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