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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

i Portal cambio philly: What is happening or what is going on in my country

i Portal cambio philly: What is happening or what is going on in my country

What is happening or what is going on in my country

The infared beam is on the mark and the masses and the classes don't even have a clue. I hope to be wrong but as I have often said time will show.
“What is happening or what is going on in my country?”

Is this land your land, is this land my land,...as Guthrie penned
. Thank goodness that people are waking up and beginning to make things happen. Be sure and make no bones about it that balance in all things is essential and wisdom. ...a good moto 

Slow to anger, gentle as a dove, and as swift as an eagle in helping all men and do no harm.
Spiritually and
when in a monetary system

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