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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Course In Miracles and the Secret

A Course In Miracles and the Secret

What is it that fascinates people who want to possess a thing, a person, a place, a dream and so on. That's my question...and

How did the human psyche evolve to the longing of possessions and the science of possessing.

Is it natural to want or have a need. “damn right” It could be stated as a God given right and yes it is very normal. It is how we have evolved based on the Laws of Creative Force...our collective ALL IN ALL, our faith, ideals and God.

The Bible mainly speaks of the Law of God but not in a way where people can free their mind. If you can't free your mind. Mentally your soul does not belong to you. You are not the creator of your destiny. In many ways you have become condition by your environment and the elements of thought that groom you as a person. Once you realize your in charge of destiny regarding the...

Law of nature, (that which comes naturally through evolving), the Law of compensation, the Law of gravity, the Law of elements, and the Law of Attraction.

And yes I believe that there is a science of possessing a place, person or thing. There is 360 degrees in a circle when measured. The circle represents your world (life) and your journey upon this earth. did you know ...That those degrees can be measured and predicted and can create your destiny. That is the ... who, what, when, where, how, and why you are. “Can You Handle That”

Is this a lost key? (principle of guidance)

...For a list of reading and authors that will assist you with creating and initiating you forward in learning how to create and control your destiny. Don't hesitate to ask.

Feel free to contact me for these Authors also let me know where you are in your journey and what you want to create or possess. Also, please keep in mind I am selling nothing! But a way to your destiny.

A plan for growth

First step: Enjoy where you are currently...rest, relax, breathe, take note of where you are...

Step Two: Learn about time... know the importance and how to literally stop time in the positive.

When you feel, you have mastered, these two steps feel free to contact me for step three.