Is it imperative that we fix our community, cities nation or should the Government fix it ...the last thirty years put us here. So...
This is a question of thought ... is "It is imperative" and crucial that we step forward to insure that our places for polling are (If you have not voted by ballot) free from any covert operations…
I’m sure that our friends will be counted on to stoop to just about any tactic.
To ensure that folks are hindered at the polls…What did the opposition do in Florida in 2000 and what did the opposition do in Ohio in 2004. This is not a conspiracy it was a judgement call. It is better to come back and engage in the truth and the freedom of our U.S. Constitutional system. Like it, learn it and participate.
“If you know what I mean.” This is not a time to be dreaming up just any ole
conspiracy theory. Just keep your eye’s, ears and action on the prize.
There are 17 days left till the American people will go to their places or polls to Vote. As we all know this is history and the party system of our republic still operates with fluidity, compromise and diversity.
So when you talk to someone who trivializes this time in your history. Whether things are good or not so good... well just look and smile.
There are people who see what's happening with awe, there are folks who wonder what's happening and they missed it. Then there are people who make things happen.
“Which type are you?" We are products of our own individual environment whether we agree and know it or whether we disagree and don't know.
Its not just history that a true son of our Father’s earth once again will break a psychological wall that many daughters and sons of our nation has built. America is a product of its elders, leaders and parents. Least we forget you can't do what you don't know. Unless you have the desire and the motivation to change. This may all come down to just...
This is a question of thought ... is "It is imperative" and crucial that we step forward to insure that our places for polling are (If you have not voted by ballot) free from any covert operations…
I’m sure that our friends will be counted on to stoop to just about any tactic.
To ensure that folks are hindered at the polls…What did the opposition do in Florida in 2000 and what did the opposition do in Ohio in 2004. This is not a conspiracy it was a judgement call. It is better to come back and engage in the truth and the freedom of our U.S. Constitutional system. Like it, learn it and participate.
“If you know what I mean.” This is not a time to be dreaming up just any ole
conspiracy theory. Just keep your eye’s, ears and action on the prize.
There are 17 days left till the American people will go to their places or polls to Vote. As we all know this is history and the party system of our republic still operates with fluidity, compromise and diversity.
So when you talk to someone who trivializes this time in your history. Whether things are good or not so good... well just look and smile.
There are people who see what's happening with awe, there are folks who wonder what's happening and they missed it. Then there are people who make things happen.
“Which type are you?" We are products of our own individual environment whether we agree and know it or whether we disagree and don't know.
Its not just history that a true son of our Father’s earth once again will break a psychological wall that many daughters and sons of our nation has built. America is a product of its elders, leaders and parents. Least we forget you can't do what you don't know. Unless you have the desire and the motivation to change. This may all come down to just...
A psychological mindset entrench from the bowels of slavery. Is it a barrier which we have built through the fear of GOD a realistic view of just faith. Or is it the Melanin syndrom. A thought which we desire we can’t have? Light wants to be dark…Black wanting to be White…are these significant identifiers to build in the mind / psyche that’s a question for you to answer.
there is only one thing to do and that is go for it MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT…Just the facts, just the facts… Compassion is the right choice. When you have the facts, you have truth and when you have compassion, truth and the belief and know that united we stand divided we will fall.
So go forth and…
Exercise your right to Vote…Free your mind from judgment, other peoples offenses and make a choice.
That’s going to be your part in solid id a fy ing (bringing)
us as a people with one goal. Strengthening the American
people…ensuring integrity an a even handed system.
Insuring Higher Order Thinking for every child
and every young person who is willing to work
and earn through enlisting in service to our nation and ourselves.
Enlisting in schools that teach military science. Gleaning youth from our urban and rural area’s to serve while in High School.
Specializing in Engineering, Science, Arts, Ecology and Leadership. These are the a major subjects that will strengthen our Guard and state units. To assist the sovereignty of our states
It is important that we address these issues for the sake of our national security along with educating our youth.
We must establish a sense and a accountability of our wealth and what we are depended upon.
We must establish a sense and a accountability of our wealth and what we are depended upon.
Clearly when T. Boone Pickens pick up the mantle and put his money where his mouth is…America its time to wake up. Anyone with half a brain and ga nawed off ear…knows damn well we should have not…gone into Iraq…once against we were Suckered…
All indicators show that the American people have been hooded winked and bamboozled. “However a man of vision would say just a stepping stone” So don’t let the wolf in sheep’s clothing fool you!
Speak to the corporate heads of state and the lobbyist, who control the business of America let us begin to put people in our legislative branches and judicial branches that serves the people… Within our States and Nation.
The symbol behind our Flags…the red white and blue, the red black and green, and our flags of statehood. More… http://library.thinkquest.org/18802/usflag.htm
Special Symbols The American Flag
The American flag consists of 13 horizontal stripes, 7 red alternating with 6 white. The upper corner near the staff is a rectangular blue field that contains 50 five-pointed white stars. The thirteen stripes symbolize the 13 original colonies of the United states of America and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union.
White is said to symbolize purity and innocence; Red, hardiness and valor, and Blue, vigilance, perseverance and justice. The American flag is commonly called the Stars and Stripes, the Red, White and Blue, or the Star Spangled Banner.
Between 1777 and 1960, Congress passed several acts that changed the shape, design and arrangement of the flag and allowed for additional stars and stripes to be added to reflect the admission of each new state.
Act of January 13, 1794 - provided for 15 stripes and 15 stars after May 1795.
Act of April 4, 1818 - provided for 13 stripes and one star for each state, to be added to the flag on the 4th of July following the admission of each new state, signed by President Monroe.
Executive Order of President Taft dated June 24, 1912 - established proportions of the flag and provided for arrangement of the stars in six horizontal rows of eight each, a single point of each star to be upward.
Executive Order of President Eisenhower dated January 3, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in seven rows of seven stars each, staggered horizontally and vertically.
Executive Order of President Eisenhower dated August 21, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in nine rows of stars staggered horizontally and eleven rows of stars staggered vertically.
Today the flag consists of thirteen horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with 6 white. The stripes represent the original 13 colonies, the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and Innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice.
Here is the latest from the Zogby Poll: http://www.c-span.org/pdf/zogby/101708_poll.pdf
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
For more of the story … http://www.c-span.org/pdf/zogby/101708_poll.PDF