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Monday, September 9, 2019

Expert Predicts 2020 Presidential Election Outcome

Yes the Dr Rachel; is correct in her analysis of the 'electorate,,,yep yep yep. Its not a strange thing that the democrats don't know how to target the electorate it seems and it is not a secret... It also does not take rocket science to see that folks came out of the house to silence Trumpian_ Idiocy! "we are tired of hearing 'the village idiot and arising every day to an out pouring of trumpian_garbage! it's Said in a French accent... All I can say is #DumpTrump2020! And the democrats really need to go back remember how they screwed thousands of people because of the Primaries In Closed Primary States...NE & Mid West States; which was strategic in Screwing Bernie from winning...As opposed to the person who should have step down or change the 'Mindset of things! Which is another issue... Now we have to get rid of 'king_trump_now or hopefully in 2020! If anyone who needs to be procecuted it's Trump