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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama a Muslim How Stupid is That!

For an estimated amount of people (18%) According to a Poll quoted by the Huffington Post is plain out right stupid. So at 18% = 59,000 People minus Children who can't vote plus or minus 5-7% or 10. That means that there are roughly 45,000 people in America who believe this. Incredible' Sunday while visiting New Orleans President Barack Stated...
[A poll released earlier this month by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center showed that 18 percent of people believe Obama is Muslim. That was up from 11 percent who said so in March 2009. Just 34 percent said Obama is Christian, down from 48 percent who said so last year.] Link to the HP http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/29/obama-muslim-rumors-not-a_n_698531.html
"I'm not gonna be worrying too much about whatever rumors are floating on out there," Obama said Sunday. "If I spend all my time chasing after that, then I wouldn't get much done." My opinion don't mean a Hill of Beans WHAT DOES THE RECORD SHOW'  That is what counts today. Especially As an Independent TRAINER and Development Practitioner in Workforce Education Development. Yes ignorance is rampant. I'm sure that there are many other folks who believe this hype to be true. "Now how stupid is that?"  On a side note...Someone or something must have gotten to Glen Beck with his Rally on Saturday the TUBE has pieces for your viewing pleasure. check the tube ...Frankly I was surprised, and did not expect to hear from guest speakers as the Niece of the Prince of Peace and Non-violence Movement Leader Dr. King. I believe the Root cause to our United Chaos is a fault of that failed partnership with our American Corporations and Our collective [and should be united] Government.

Federal yes but more specifically State Governments has sold out the United States and its People. Not to leave out the Global Corporations that have been allowed to run there game on the State and Federal Politicians who have SOLD out the American people as well. I hear everyday of Corporations giving to local communities for those in Need... frankly I have yet to see it! Where is the evidence in the City of Philadelphia... Here is a comment Link: icjr52@gmail.com

This is just as dumb as folks believing that the 44th President of the United States was not born in America. What's the root cause for this type of rumor spreading 'Is It Only In America' not at all there are tons of people who believe stuff like this, especially today. Because of innovations in technology and science a layman can target a market a reap havoc and BS (Bad Science) on the world. Which I think is fabulous because the people who know the facts and are willing to get to the root cause of this stupidity, and ignorance understand. They are the Stakeholders who love this Country and realize that so goes America so goes the World to the entities that control and manipulate for profit. When good men stand by and say or do nothing they are just as guilty as the people who are committing the Act. When people say or even speculate that Obama is a Muslim or that he was not born in America "What do you say?" Most of us will probably look at them and shut down. In stead of taking the time in conversation and suggest or say I found that not to be true by looking here. A reference or two.

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