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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
One Earth One Planet One Race
Be the One who shares the vision and mindset of this symbiotic connection that we have. For when we look at the World as a hold we do have the hands of God.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
America goes so goes the world. “As if we were a Slaughterhouse 5 novel or sequel.” Surely ...We owe a debt of gratitude to the world for we have profit the most. Out of any industrialized nation. Through manipulations, slavery and slaughter. Our history is not pristine or that much to brag about. Although I am grateful for the sacrifices and sometimes death of children, women and men. Needlessly and with malice in the soul we must over come the ignorance of the mind. You cannot take someone to a place and allow them to learn and grow. How will they know if they don't hear, see experience that through oral utterances and learning.
If you do this you will have and enemy
If you don't do this you will have and enemy
For one day you will have an enemy. But through action of compassion and doing the real you make amends. The honorable Statesman and Great African Leader Nelson Mandela led the World to the power in understanding human ignorance even at the expense of others. Two wrongs don't make it right..."it is no wonder ..." That African Slaves were forbidden to learn. To Read, write with logic although these basics are taught in grammar school but beyond that the dialog was or is rad, radical or with a revolutionary funk or not at all. Mainly separate and not always equal in past and today.
This mindset, experiences or way of life is taught, emulated and is alive and well today. And is it true... so goes America so goes the world? Yet we let our children and our collective minds linger on the corners of street cred, and Horatio Alger stories top the best sellers list. Look he/she did it and so can you. Statistics, collected facts show that the War on Drugs built a billion dollar empire and incarcerated almost 3 generations of young black and brown males. "The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander pub:2010
Survival of the fit (smart, educated, rich, intelligent)
Which will surely cause problems with the people who don't have access to learn. Or who are encourage through stay alive and various other reach one teach one motto, learning for everyone should have no barriers. Yet we permit them.
Surely it must be through a mass of hurt, pain self inflicted due to the contagion of ignorance ran loose decades past. Surely, and... are we naive to the facts of history and someday I'll be laid down in my grave, yes someday.
One day I'll be laid down in my grave
one day I'll be laid down in my grave
One day you'll be laid down in your grave
one day you'll be laid down in your grave
That day we'll rise up to the call
that day we'll rise up to the call
Went we prepare our way
went we prepare our way
We will know that day when it comes
we will know that day when it comes
So goes America, so goes the world!
And what would have change the style in the dialog the new wonder, or what works for all people. Traditions mores and religious ideology must always be allowed free speech. With no defense for the things that infringe on the rights, morels or enslavement of another human being or thing. There is no defense except as a crime and an infringement. Humans are not national treasures but world benefactors and stewards of this planet. Its air, water, and resources belong to the peoples of the world.
When America decides as a people to rise above the oligarchies, and corporate nepotism that have plague our governance mainly due to dogmatic ideologies that are idiotic. Yet allowed because of our Constitutional values. When we begin to practice one in harmony regardless of mindset or ideology race or class.
So goes America so goes the world
Friday, September 3, 2010
Michael Savage puts forth a New Age McCarthyism
roll over to TYT
With his Narrow Thinking Michael Savage also believes that the Right elements are out to sabotage his Brand of (BS) Bad Science and ideals. My words of course ...and I say Thank goodness... and please don't get it twisted I am grateful for Men like Michael Savage. Because Michael Savage makes you think.
His like of mindset is why we
live in America and have the
freedom of speech that we should treasure.
However, it is up to us to work to preserve all the positive things that we can glean from our history and foundational models of Justice for All.
[ie U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, States Rights and so forth. And to include all the Amendments. State and Federal.]
We don't need the use of narrow minded thinkers who only subscribe to there BS (Bad Science) why?
Because history points to the facts and the facts speak for itself. Nothing beats actual factual. The things that we have now is the Internet and technology (mass data resource of facts) with a multitude of collective data that will give us the positives as well as the negatives when it comes to doing the smart thing and the right thing for all peoples. The problem may be we just want to be entertained and lauded off to the good times again. Which is another topic.
I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU but I love America' and I hope you do as well. However it is high time we start working together and working smart in a 360 degree approach for All People not only in America but in the World. 'I do Believe' When we start and promote the people who do the work and who like and need to work - we do a good thing. The people, persons or groups who promote or proliferate old ideas like McCarthyism into a new package, or a similar ideology is troubling. All this rhetoric is because people I do believe and, government, and corporations or whatever, don't want people to learn, don't have the desire to learn, or they just want to be entertained.
Otherwise People like Michael Savage and his style of propaganda or rhetoric would not exist. I contend however, that any person who does not filter the community for feedback through a range of outlets really (today is a nincompoop) I do believe and will be short on change. Zig Ziglar would call that stinkin' thinkin' ...for a person to say he does not look at the News or any Television and talks to the public (niche) market is out of touch. 'I do believe ...As a WED (Workforce Education Development) Practitioner Anyone with half a brain will realize that the Corporations who are doing business with these kind of people (are edutainers ) I question that.
Not the people of America but the corporate puppets who disguise themselves as Politicians, Critics and Social Reformers. Any individual Politician, Critic or Social Reformer... 'I do believe' who puts his or her self or there constituents, audience or niche group before the good of All the American People is a saboteur and not an American. If we are a people who look out only for our self and those within our sphere of influence then we have lost sight of Our collective Deeds, Creeds and Ideals. In essence we are turning or should I say we are allowing this New age McCarthyism to divide US. Either we stand on the forefront of technology and science to work for the American people and the World or we will allow the World Corporatocracy and Oligarchies to use Science and Technology to control America and the World. “I Do Believe” BS(bad science), fixing the problem is not hard.
When did Schools stop or start teaching core competencies ?
Divided we fall united we stand
Do we have a brain.
America goes so goes the world. Link:
roll over to TYT
With his Narrow Thinking Michael Savage also believes that the Right elements are out to sabotage his Brand of (BS) Bad Science and ideals. My words of course ...and I say Thank goodness... and please don't get it twisted I am grateful for Men like Michael Savage. Because Michael Savage makes you think.
His like of mindset is why we
live in America and have the
freedom of speech that we should treasure.
However, it is up to us to work to preserve all the positive things that we can glean from our history and foundational models of Justice for All.
[ie U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, States Rights and so forth. And to include all the Amendments. State and Federal.]
We don't need the use of narrow minded thinkers who only subscribe to there BS (Bad Science) why?
Because history points to the facts and the facts speak for itself. Nothing beats actual factual. The things that we have now is the Internet and technology (mass data resource of facts) with a multitude of collective data that will give us the positives as well as the negatives when it comes to doing the smart thing and the right thing for all peoples. The problem may be we just want to be entertained and lauded off to the good times again. Which is another topic.
I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU but I love America' and I hope you do as well. However it is high time we start working together and working smart in a 360 degree approach for All People not only in America but in the World. 'I do Believe' When we start and promote the people who do the work and who like and need to work - we do a good thing. The people, persons or groups who promote or proliferate old ideas like McCarthyism into a new package, or a similar ideology is troubling. All this rhetoric is because people I do believe and, government, and corporations or whatever, don't want people to learn, don't have the desire to learn, or they just want to be entertained.
Otherwise People like Michael Savage and his style of propaganda or rhetoric would not exist. I contend however, that any person who does not filter the community for feedback through a range of outlets really (today is a nincompoop) I do believe and will be short on change. Zig Ziglar would call that stinkin' thinkin' ...for a person to say he does not look at the News or any Television and talks to the public (niche) market is out of touch. 'I do believe ...As a WED (Workforce Education Development) Practitioner Anyone with half a brain will realize that the Corporations who are doing business with these kind of people (are edutainers ) I question that.
Not the people of America but the corporate puppets who disguise themselves as Politicians, Critics and Social Reformers. Any individual Politician, Critic or Social Reformer... 'I do believe' who puts his or her self or there constituents, audience or niche group before the good of All the American People is a saboteur and not an American. If we are a people who look out only for our self and those within our sphere of influence then we have lost sight of Our collective Deeds, Creeds and Ideals. In essence we are turning or should I say we are allowing this New age McCarthyism to divide US. Either we stand on the forefront of technology and science to work for the American people and the World or we will allow the World Corporatocracy and Oligarchies to use Science and Technology to control America and the World. “I Do Believe” BS(bad science), fixing the problem is not hard.
When did Schools stop or start teaching core competencies ?
Divided we fall united we stand
Do we have a brain.
America goes so goes the world. Link:
Thursday, September 2, 2010
ToFightAgainst AidsTuberculousPoverty
The Cause to fight against the spread of Aids, Tuberculous, and Poverty Video
Two Continents from Africa Progress Panel on Vimeo.
Join the/Cause 2 fight against Aids, Tuberculous, & Poverty Watch Video Read More
Two Continents from Africa Progress Panel on Vimeo.
Join the/Cause 2 fight against Aids, Tuberculous, & Poverty Watch Video Read More
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Obama a Muslim How Stupid is That!
For an estimated amount of people (18%) According to a Poll quoted by the Huffington Post is plain out right stupid. So at 18% = 59,000 People minus Children who can't vote plus or minus 5-7% or 10. That means that there are roughly 45,000 people in America who believe this. Incredible' Sunday while visiting New Orleans President Barack Stated...
[A poll released earlier this month by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center showed that 18 percent of people believe Obama is Muslim. That was up from 11 percent who said so in March 2009. Just 34 percent said Obama is Christian, down from 48 percent who said so last year.] Link to the HP
"I'm not gonna be worrying too much about whatever rumors are floating on out there," Obama said Sunday. "If I spend all my time chasing after that, then I wouldn't get much done." My opinion don't mean a Hill of Beans WHAT DOES THE RECORD SHOW' That is what counts today. Especially As an Independent TRAINER and Development Practitioner in Workforce Education Development. Yes ignorance is rampant. I'm sure that there are many other folks who believe this hype to be true. "Now how stupid is that?" On a side note...Someone or something must have gotten to Glen Beck with his Rally on Saturday the TUBE has pieces for your viewing pleasure. check the tube ...Frankly I was surprised, and did not expect to hear from guest speakers as the Niece of the Prince of Peace and Non-violence Movement Leader Dr. King. I believe the Root cause to our United Chaos is a fault of that failed partnership with our American Corporations and Our collective [and should be united] Government.
Federal yes but more specifically State Governments has sold out the United States and its People. Not to leave out the Global Corporations that have been allowed to run there game on the State and Federal Politicians who have SOLD out the American people as well. I hear everyday of Corporations giving to local communities for those in Need... frankly I have yet to see it! Where is the evidence in the City of Philadelphia... Here is a comment Link:
This is just as dumb as folks believing that the 44th President of the United States was not born in America. What's the root cause for this type of rumor spreading 'Is It Only In America' not at all there are tons of people who believe stuff like this, especially today. Because of innovations in technology and science a layman can target a market a reap havoc and BS (Bad Science) on the world. Which I think is fabulous because the people who know the facts and are willing to get to the root cause of this stupidity, and ignorance understand. They are the Stakeholders who love this Country and realize that so goes America so goes the World to the entities that control and manipulate for profit. When good men stand by and say or do nothing they are just as guilty as the people who are committing the Act. When people say or even speculate that Obama is a Muslim or that he was not born in America "What do you say?" Most of us will probably look at them and shut down. In stead of taking the time in conversation and suggest or say I found that not to be true by looking here. A reference or two.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What is happening or what is going on in my country
The infared beam is on the mark and the masses and the classes don't even have a clue. I hope to be wrong but as I have often said time will show.
“What is happening or what is going on in my country?”
Is this land your land, is this land my land, Guthrie penned. Thank goodness that people are waking up and beginning to make things happen. Be sure and make no bones about it that balance in all things is essential and wisdom. ...a good moto
Slow to anger, gentle as a dove, and as swift as an eagle in helping all men and do no harm.
Direction and Domains available – performance based, creative infusion at
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The infared beam is on the mark and the masses and the classes don't even have a clue. I hope to be wrong but as I have often said time will show.
“What is happening or what is going on in my country?”
Is this land your land, is this land my land, Guthrie penned. Thank goodness that people are waking up and beginning to make things happen. Be sure and make no bones about it that balance in all things is essential and wisdom. ...a good moto
Slow to anger, gentle as a dove, and as swift as an eagle in helping all men and do no harm.
Spiritually and
when in a monetary system
Spiritually and
when in a monetary system
Direction and Domains available – performance based, creative infusion at
Get knowledge get understanding get wisdom. Get A Coach
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my land,
Nationalist speak out,
your land
Friday, August 13, 2010
One Person Can Make A Difference
I am happy to present the blue ball of connection. When we as a planet, world and people realize that we can make a difference and that we are in control of our destiny individually as well as collectively.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
"Who Is This Guy" Blogs of the Nation
Develop Design Destiny 19141 and 98001
“Who the freak is this guy?”
thus the name of the report 19141 and 98001.
I do hope all is well with you, family and friends as we wonder into this saga of actual factual or conspiracy thinking. It's no sweat if you believe or don't ...something has been a rye in America. However, if you love Pete, you will like this guy.
No sweat that's ok-but you have to take a look at this guy if you love people and this land - “If you like Pete, you will like this... its an independence thing and I apologize for the code.” I hope you really get the gist of his message because freedom rocks. It don't matter if you blkorwht.
You can help this by getting your own domain and blog never know, what the future may hold.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Dr. Josef Ben Levi Commentary
Dr Josef Ben Levi talks about the Ancient African Egyptians and the City of Carthage and how European History eliminated the contributions that came through Carthage and other great African civilizations.
Here is Part 2 Dr. Josef Ben Levi
Here is Part 2 Dr. Josef Ben Levi
the bourgeois idiot
In response and defense of the bourgeois idiot
Develop Design Destiny “Idiots, the Bourgeois and Conditioning”
What is it about men and words and how they codify or characterize ones temple or thinking. Concepts of thinking or training/conditioning is inherit to a persons life. We are trained in following things not realizing the path of enlightenment is for the benefit of all peoples, not just a few.
The science of sociology, philosophy, psychiatry and its history is record of the things we need or should do if we want a better life or life style. This information is not original nor are these thoughts... I am just a conduit, a vessel. If it takes root in understanding that's wonderful if it fails to hit a chord maybe its not your time.
The science of sociology, philosophy, psychiatry and its history is record of the things we need or should do if we want a better life or life style. This information is not original nor are these thoughts... I am just a conduit, a vessel. If it takes root in understanding that's wonderful if it fails to hit a chord maybe its not your time.
Which brings me back to the topic of discussion. Of the bourgeois "Idiot" and there conditioning, and what I believe and how it relates to the Now. Not yesterday or days past how can you take something and apply it to today's living. Life is for living and having a plan of action makes sense for many people.
Some people just bump along and follow the routine or the beat of a different drum. Sucking the life out of what ever comes there way making a difference in nothing or no one. If its not encouraging, motivating, interesting in a form of benefit then its a waste of time. “How will it help in the Now” what ever the path
Some people just bump along and follow the routine or the beat of a different drum. Sucking the life out of what ever comes there way making a difference in nothing or no one. If its not encouraging, motivating, interesting in a form of benefit then its a waste of time. “How will it help in the Now” what ever the path
When it comes to thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the inner spaces of the universe. A thought, concept, idea, philosophy, way of life in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged(imagined) by the thought. “would this be enlightenment”
The bourgeois idiot who may or may not be conditioned to his or her situation does not know that he has control of his destiny. Instead he bumps along being led astray by narrow minded concepts and historical data and innuendos drawn from word of mouth and self appointed guardians who only seek to criticize for control and misdirected guidance. (The power of the Prophesy) ref: Celestine Prophesy) 1This information is sometimes factual and sometimes misdirected by its promoters of historical ideas that went South even before they hit the four directions of our planet. ...and that is NEWS (North East West and South)and not sensationalism.
A good example of this conditioning would be promoting speculation or historical data that is not relevant today and my situation. ie...example and the Purpose of Education
To get a good Job
If you ask many people why they need education there reply is to get a good job. Which I do believe is ok if that's all you desire.
Unfortunately, this is the norm for many people that the only need for education plain and simple is to get a good job. The bourgeois idiot does not know this nor will he promote thinking stuff or igniting folks to think. Beyond getting a job ...That's why I believe it is important for people to have a plan of action. Most people can't follow this structure or way of thinking and the bourgeois idiot would not make people situp and pay attention. And yes he may ramble off a word of wisdom or two.
The heavens and the graveyards are filled with unfilled dreams aspirations and visions of people who were unfulfilled in there quest purpose and gift. Such as the bourgeois idiot...That is why I have embarked on helping those who desire to push the envelope in developing designing destiny. Not as I see it for you but as you see it for yourself...
With a little help from the creative in you brought to visibility is what a coach, mentor, adviser, teacher will do.
With a little help from the creative in you brought to visibility is what a coach, mentor, adviser, teacher will do.
Get knowledge get understanding get wisdom. Get A Coach to unsubscribe from postings
1The Celestine Prophecy is a 1993 novel by James Redfield that discusses various psychological and spiritual ideas which are rooted in many ancient Eastern Traditions and New Age spirituality.
Here is a great Article for Authors who are Struggling
Feel Like You've Failed As An Author?
Mr Friedman indicated in his article from EMSI (A PR Based on Performance Firm) that he talks with authors all the time or every day. He also indicates that many are ready to throw in the towel when it comes to promoting their books.
It's either because they were unsuccessful in their own efforts to get the media interested in interviewing them, or worse, they hired a publicity firm to get them media coverage and the firm had little to no success. This second scenario is really the worst one for an author as they can really lose faith in themselves and in the importance of their message.
They tell me things like, "I guess people just aren't that interested in my topic..." or "maybe my message is old news..."
Are you this author?
If so, let me tell you a little story that may lift your spirits some ...or help you gain back your confidence. It's about one of our current clients, a financial expert who authored a personal finance book. When his book came out, he literally spent tens of thousands of dollars with an agency that wound up booking a handful of interviews on radio when all was said and done. They told him, very sadly mind you, that the media just wasn't interested in his message.
When he finally called me and told me his story, I couldn't believe it - the worst economy in 60 years, a well-written book, an author with impeccable credentials and the media wasn't interested in him and his message?
I didn't buy it...we've just been at this publicity game too long and I knew that couldn't possibly be the case. And of course I told him so. But he was understandably wary and suspicious of anyone promising to help with his book promotion, and knowing what authors go through, I understood that completely.
Well, he came on board just three months ago and to date he's appeared as a guest on three national TV shows and eleven local TV shows (all network affiliate stations). He's also been interviewed on 30 radio shows around the country and has received coverage in about 27 different publications.
Yes, you could say he's a happy camper. And, of course, we're happy for him too. But what I love most about this story is that we were able to show him his message IS as important as he thought.
That the book he poured his heart and time and money into DOES have a valuable message, as evidenced by all the media that wanted to interview him.
What I also love is that his enthusiasm and confidence has been restored - and that's priceless.
You can call Mr Friedman to see if you are a candidate and have something to share to the World. EMSI is performance based. No performance, no increase, no pay.
I know what you are going through. Call me at (727) 443-7115, ext. 202, or email me and let me help you, too.
Warm regards,
Steve Friedman
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Avoid the perpetual cycle
Develop Design Destiny “The Perpetual Cycle”
What are the benefits of the perpetual cycle? Looking in the 4 directions of the planet and the force that energizes its spin. Which is and can be another direction for some and others may not even know that it is there!
Everything can be subjective and this is where the Creative power in you can link up to all that is good. If you know something you can prepare and hopefully organize yourself to get ran over by that goodness. Is that a concept or what... Preparation and practice leads to understanding the cycle and circle of life. If you have the desire and gift to write, record, sing and do music. The technology abounds and all we have to do is develop a following ...if the desire is there, the talent and professionalism will follow. When you know without a shadow of doubt...and
Doing the right thing not just for yourself but in service to yourself through others is a balance in understanding you ...and your world. This is a cycle of life that you can prepare and in some cases predict. It's the art of living you, whether your a coach, doctor, lawyer or just a mom or a dad. Life works wonders when your in control of destiny “I do believe” Sadly many are not connected to their spirit nor the spirit of these times. I don't predict but patterns are hard to ignore hoping that something will happen or change... yet continuing the same old thing. That's what many have said is insanity
One thing about patterns if your in tune with things and stuff. Especially thinking stuff. Everything that ever was or is ...comes from thinking stuff. And yes these things are subjective and possible if your in touch with the creative mindset. So understanding and learning from this cycle is important for the here and the Now... I do believe and not the hereafter where ever that place may be ...even in my mind.
Get knowledge get understanding get wisdom. Get A Coach
Monday, July 12, 2010
MLM Programs Even Pre-Paid Legal
Develop Design Destiny
“Pre-Paid Legal Service and Other MLM Programs”
A verdict on organizations that proliferate service. None seem to owned up to the virtue of a 360 degree approach when it comes to the share of the booty?
Our dominant system of doing things only seems to generate a holistic/communal approach (which usually can last a few or sometimes have a long term) or we invent these small circles that makes it above these yet larger sphere of folks. It would appear to my observation When dealing with anything with a 360 degree approach does not or is not touted or presented. I do believe' HOWEVER ...The Zeitgeist Movement represents that systemactic1 approach that we have had enough of BS (Bad Science) promoted for the benefit of a few who continuously promote and divide people by holding others who control others, who also control more, and more and more, and still yet more and so on and so forth.
Now I know this sounds a little on the extreme. “But is It” Think about that while your mind catches up to the thought. The resources of the World belong to all the people of the World. Only when we begin to understand the depth and breath of that will we begin to understand our universal power and what we need to do for this change to happen.
All the MLM (Multilevel Marketing Markets) phenoms that I have experience seem to have a small circle surrounded by a larger and then a larger and so on. The inner-most circle always can reach out and is continuously marketeering 2 or promoting this is what keeps this perpetual consumeristic3 mindset of the competitive mind operating. This I will call the poison vine. (Pv)
Pv – (Poison Vine): It appears and looks with the norm in every way imaginable to the eye of the viewer. It morphs, forms or is displayed even somewhat of a chameleon 4. However, wonderful, splendid as this may appear to the one in gratitude and thanks... is really the proliferator 5of this circle and sphere. It is rewarding to a small few and lessons derived to the outer circles will seek its refuge in the small yet sometimes fortress of success. Never able to make that concept or reach into this sphere or inner-circle of success. Its of a poison vine
Our system is set up to reward only a few not all. “It would seem”
No matter how hard some may work they will not have that success!
Although all who pursue with a success or die persona will either make it or fissile out. My Take is this ...anything that is multilevel is anti -unity towards the world and the people of the world. “I do believe” And promotes cyclical systems that protect and reward a few and not the whole? This approach and program is design to thwart the spread and understanding to people that own the resources.
Allocated by the few to the many through competitive controls. Some know this, others don't care, and even fewer understand. Its a social norm like going to the Arena and viewing Gladiators fight to the death. Pre-Paid Legal in my opinion is of the Pv nature. (Poison Vine). Which promotes a competitive cycle we should learn to abandon for the creative mindset if we focus on helping the world and not helping our pocketbook with the fragrant deception and promotional guise of helping other people. First and foremost should this system be the first to go. People should learn to work according to the right and smart thing always. Mediators not Lawyers.
“Pre-Paid Legal Service and Other MLM Programs”
A verdict on organizations that proliferate service. None seem to owned up to the virtue of a 360 degree approach when it comes to the share of the booty?
Our dominant system of doing things only seems to generate a holistic/communal approach (which usually can last a few or sometimes have a long term) or we invent these small circles that makes it above these yet larger sphere of folks. It would appear to my observation When dealing with anything with a 360 degree approach does not or is not touted or presented. I do believe' HOWEVER ...The Zeitgeist Movement represents that systemactic1 approach that we have had enough of BS (Bad Science) promoted for the benefit of a few who continuously promote and divide people by holding others who control others, who also control more, and more and more, and still yet more and so on and so forth.
Now I know this sounds a little on the extreme. “But is It” Think about that while your mind catches up to the thought. The resources of the World belong to all the people of the World. Only when we begin to understand the depth and breath of that will we begin to understand our universal power and what we need to do for this change to happen.
All the MLM (Multilevel Marketing Markets) phenoms that I have experience seem to have a small circle surrounded by a larger and then a larger and so on. The inner-most circle always can reach out and is continuously marketeering 2 or promoting this is what keeps this perpetual consumeristic3 mindset of the competitive mind operating. This I will call the poison vine. (Pv)
Pv – (Poison Vine): It appears and looks with the norm in every way imaginable to the eye of the viewer. It morphs, forms or is displayed even somewhat of a chameleon 4. However, wonderful, splendid as this may appear to the one in gratitude and thanks... is really the proliferator 5of this circle and sphere. It is rewarding to a small few and lessons derived to the outer circles will seek its refuge in the small yet sometimes fortress of success. Never able to make that concept or reach into this sphere or inner-circle of success. Its of a poison vine
Our system is set up to reward only a few not all. “It would seem”
No matter how hard some may work they will not have that success!
Although all who pursue with a success or die persona will either make it or fissile out. My Take is this ...anything that is multilevel is anti -unity towards the world and the people of the world. “I do believe” And promotes cyclical systems that protect and reward a few and not the whole? This approach and program is design to thwart the spread and understanding to people that own the resources.
Allocated by the few to the many through competitive controls. Some know this, others don't care, and even fewer understand. Its a social norm like going to the Arena and viewing Gladiators fight to the death. Pre-Paid Legal in my opinion is of the Pv nature. (Poison Vine). Which promotes a competitive cycle we should learn to abandon for the creative mindset if we focus on helping the world and not helping our pocketbook with the fragrant deception and promotional guise of helping other people. First and foremost should this system be the first to go. People should learn to work according to the right and smart thing always. Mediators not Lawyers.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Clear the Air
A brief moment to steal away and write something dear and near with an emotional twinch, (feeling) sort of speak.
It's called clear the Air!
Almost everyone I do believe... wants affection and time with some one special, its natural, what ever the orientation. Its the spirit/soul attraction in us all collectively that can fill the spirit with love hope and optimism.
To us all, in us all, and for us all “I do believe”
That is what I want, an that is what I'm attracted to, in you, is it none available and showing. In me
Or are you hiding within the game of hide and seek?
Peeking in the corner like a child
at play for ever learning
wondering off into the night the sky
wow! I love to play don't you!
It's a fabulous day let us not despair, for the power of love continuously flows throughout the air.
“I wonder though do you have a cold?”
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Take Back or Give Back America - People Don't Even Have A Clue
Populist- Also check the video TNJC[the new jim crow]
“Take Back or Give Back America” Its Not the Lords... -idobelieve
People Don't Even Have A Clue so lets try and fill in the void. Believe in the Lord and he will give you understanding. wait,wait ...Don't say it that way... Say it like this Believe in your Self (vision-purpose-mindset) and your vision-purpose-mindset will give you understanding.
Today is a good time to be in the way of knowledge and information. “Why” Because the majority of people don't have a clue. Of the ways and means of the world. Which includes myself and every one else yes ...we all have an opinion and Nation building is not and easy task. We are people and the majority of American people need guidance and leadership. "Which has been lacking for at least a decade"
Today is a good time to be in the way of knowledge and information. “Why” Because the majority of people don't have a clue. Of the ways and means of the world. Which includes myself and every one else yes ...we all have an opinion and Nation building is not and easy task. We are people and the majority of American people need guidance and leadership. "Which has been lacking for at least a decade"
For decades we have relied or our leaders to do the right thing and the smart thing when it came to the common people and the masses within these united states of America. As we partied or did what we were doing we allowed the Political leaders and Career politicians to rule it all. And it appears to me its been in there sphere and best interest of influence, and not the common good of the peoples sphere and best interest. However they took and oath to support. Butt..We have not been accountable in holding them accountable. Why? Mainly because of our ignorance.
Folks, friends, neighbors, family, cousin lets understand this stuff. Government does not happen through osmosis. Really' People are allowed to speak their individual voice insuring that the masses or common people have a voice and are protected. That's a thing we call in our Nation dissent, Free speech and so forth. Sweetie, baby, person, child, man, whomever... dissent and freedom of speech is a Right as taught through the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
It is a protected Right even for the slime who commit white collar or any other crime against the U.S. and its people. "Simple stuff" It protects and some times is a pain in the ass. Have you ever heard the saying “What's good for the goose is good for the gander.”
That is not how America as whole feels, acts or is operating. But it should be is being a Muslim, or a Jew, Slavic, Black, White, Hispanic or other a problem.
When the shit comes down the pike and hits the fan we are all ONE RACE and we are all connected. We the people of these united states have been sold a bill of goods.
It is a protected Right even for the slime who commit white collar or any other crime against the U.S. and its people. "Simple stuff" It protects and some times is a pain in the ass. Have you ever heard the saying “What's good for the goose is good for the gander.”
That is not how America as whole feels, acts or is operating. But it should be is being a Muslim, or a Jew, Slavic, Black, White, Hispanic or other a problem.
When the shit comes down the pike and hits the fan we are all ONE RACE and we are all connected. We the people of these united states have been sold a bill of goods.
Don't forget the time you lived today!
...the windows of your soul
...even though your old
...remember who you are the way you are
Made, swayed, and played, this American Dream to the best of my ability it would seem to some as a nightmare. In 1863 the 14th President of these united states of America emancipated the property of the plantation owners and masters. They are the oligarchy and corporatocracy that has you Vote a man into office who wants to do what we want him to do "Put the U.S. Government back into the hands of the people"
Not the oligarchy and corporatocracy that has all but ruin our nation because of this thing call dollar. A bunch of damn fools we are... due to our own ignorance. it must be Philosophy and drinking
Not the oligarchy and corporatocracy that has all but ruin our nation because of this thing call dollar. A bunch of damn fools we are... due to our own ignorance. it must be Philosophy and drinking
Philosophy and or drinking
I been there and I know what you thinking
Close to the heart play no games
Bring all you can to enhance
With that motto you'll travel well
For the things that don't matter
They can go to hell
Prison Count 2010: State Population Declines for the First Time in 38 Years
Mar 16, 2010 PEW Charitable Trust : link, May 14, 2010
The New Jim Crow "Is it Real"
“The New Jim Crow” Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness
MICHELLE ALEXANDER is a longtime civil rights advocate and litigator. She won a 2005 Soros Justice Fellowship and now holds a joint appointment at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and the Mortiz College of Law at Ohio State University. Alexander served for several years as director of the Racial Justice Project at the ACLU of Northern California, and subsequently directed the Civil Rights Clinics at Stanford Law School, where she was an associate professor. Alexander is a former law clerk for Justice Harry Blackmun on the U.S. Supreme Court, and has appeared as a commentator on CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness is her first book.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
How to Survive Geolocation's Looming Apocalypse by Dave Curry
How to Survive Geolocation's Looming Apocalypse
Why the Industry's Most-Buzzed-About Tech Service Could Consume Us If We're Not Careful
Posted by Dave Curry on 03.29.10 @ 04:23 PM
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that everyone is buzzing, blogging, tweeting, and talking about geolocation. Research firm Borrel forecasts that location-based mobile spending will hit $4 billion in 2015, an increase of nearly 12,000% from the $34 million spent in 2009. With highly anticipated location-centric announcements looming from both Facebook and Apple, the buzz over geolocation is not expected to diminish any time soon.
Leveraging location will drive the next wave of consumer marketing, but based on the current pace of services and apps going to market, we're setting ourselves up for geolocation apocalypse. In this scenario consumers gorge themselves on a plethora of location-based services and spam, gut-busting data profusion and promotional push acid-reflux. If we're not careful, the coming cataclysm could consume us with:
Swarms of Geolocation Services. Already in full swing, new services are appearing with an alarming frequency. Ranging from the more popular/mainstream (Foursquare, Gowalla, Twitter, Yelp, MyTown, Whrrl and Loopt) to the more obscure (PlacePop, BlockChalk, Bump, FoodSpotting and Graffiti), services are being piled high. Gauging by the more than 25 companies that made location-based announcements at SXSW, consumers will soon be choking on an overabundance of geolocation services.
Armies of Aimless Apps. Each service wants you to use their app, so can the marketplace sustain a massive rush of apps? Of ...more
Why the Industry's Most-Buzzed-About Tech Service Could Consume Us If We're Not Careful
Posted by Dave Curry on 03.29.10 @ 04:23 PM
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that everyone is buzzing, blogging, tweeting, and talking about geolocation. Research firm Borrel forecasts that location-based mobile spending will hit $4 billion in 2015, an increase of nearly 12,000% from the $34 million spent in 2009. With highly anticipated location-centric announcements looming from both Facebook and Apple, the buzz over geolocation is not expected to diminish any time soon.
Leveraging location will drive the next wave of consumer marketing, but based on the current pace of services and apps going to market, we're setting ourselves up for geolocation apocalypse. In this scenario consumers gorge themselves on a plethora of location-based services and spam, gut-busting data profusion and promotional push acid-reflux. If we're not careful, the coming cataclysm could consume us with:
Swarms of Geolocation Services. Already in full swing, new services are appearing with an alarming frequency. Ranging from the more popular/mainstream (Foursquare, Gowalla, Twitter, Yelp, MyTown, Whrrl and Loopt) to the more obscure (PlacePop, BlockChalk, Bump, FoodSpotting and Graffiti), services are being piled high. Gauging by the more than 25 companies that made location-based announcements at SXSW, consumers will soon be choking on an overabundance of geolocation services.
Armies of Aimless Apps. Each service wants you to use their app, so can the marketplace sustain a massive rush of apps? Of ...more
Geolocation services,
Whrrl and Loopt,
Positions of Employment Veterans Desired
Contract Positions US Veterans
Received the attached job opportunities from the VR&E Employment Coordinator.
These jobs are defense related and appear to require specific military experience. Some are located in Afghanistan.
Please Post! Six Job positions Zip File Word or Open office format
Received the attached job opportunities from the VR&E Employment Coordinator.
These jobs are defense related and appear to require specific military experience. Some are located in Afghanistan.
Please Post! Six Job positions Zip File Word or Open office format
Monday, March 8, 2010
Carter Rescinds Contract and Military Scholarship
Irvin Carter Jr Rescinds Contract and Scholarship Award CAN (Career Agents Network)
All documentation regarding this rescission in Contract Agreement and Military Scholarship Award.
icjr/abbott ames and associates
Effective immediately rescinds any and all Contract Agreements and Military Scholarship Award from Career Agents Network Wixom MI 48393
Due to the controversy associated with this Corporation known and operating as Career Agents Network.
I have no choice but to decline the acceptance of a Military Scholarship as well as any affiliation, association with this Corporation or its Contract of Service.
Rescission Irvin Carter Jr
Presss Release by: Career Agents
Career Agents Network Announces Winner of 2010 Career Agent Military Scholarship for “Entrepreneur Hero”
Career Agents Network is pleased to award Irvin Carter, Jr. the 2010 Career Agent Military Scholarship for "Entrepreneur Hero". Carter will receive a $20,000 scholarship for starting his own recruiting business, targeting high-growth industries, as a Career Agent.
Wixom, MI (PRWEB) March 4, 2010 -- Career Agents Network Announces Winner of their 2010 Military Scholarship for “Entrepreneur Hero”.
Launching his Career Agent practice, recruiting in-demand talent from high-growth industries, is an ideal fit for Mr. Carter, given his experience in human capital management, change strategy concepts and sincere interest in technology.
It is with great pride that Career Agents Network announces Irvin Carter, Jr. as their 2010 Career Agent Military Scholarship winner. Mr. Carter, or simply “Carter” to his friends, will receive a $20,000 scholarship for starting his own recruiting business, targeting high-growth industries, as a Career Agent.
Mr. Carter was born in 1952 in Philadelphia. In 1974 he joined the United States Army and for six years served our nation in Korea and Germany. He also served in the Washington State Army National Guard until 2004 when he retired a Master Sergeant. In the National Guard he served as the Community Service Lead and held positions in Employee Relations and Military Personnel Relations.
The non-military career of Irvin Carter spans television, real estate and human talent management.
In 1997 Mr. Carter, started Abbott Ames & Associates doing training development and business consulting for small businesses, and local government agencies.
“We are proud to have Irvin Carter, a true Entrepreneur Hero as our 2010 Career Agent Military Scholarship Winner and glad to have him in our organization,” says Paul Helm, President of Career Agents Network. “Launching his Career Agent practice, recruiting in-demand talent from high-growth industries, is an ideal fit for Mr. Carter, given his experience in human capital management, change strategy concepts and sincere interest in technology.”
Mr. Carter is based in Philadelphia and from there he will launch his new recruiting enterprise as a Career Agent and expects to target healthcare and medical practitioners.
Career Agents Network conducted its 2010 Military Scholarship over the past 60 days. Numerous applicants applied and although they did not win the scholarship, they are eligible for a $10,000 partial scholarship towards becoming a Career Agent until Armed Services Day, April 7th, 2010.
Career Agents Network is an international recruiting enterprise working in high-growth industries like medical recruiting, Health IT recruiting, and energy recruiting. Career Agents Network trains and supports qualified entrepreneurs in starting their own recruiting business using cutting-edge business intelligence software and a universal candidate exchange database shared between offices.
Find out more about Career Agents Network:
Paul Helm
Career Agents Network
All documentation regarding this rescission in Contract Agreement and Military Scholarship Award.
icjr/abbott ames and associates
Effective immediately rescinds any and all Contract Agreements and Military Scholarship Award from Career Agents Network Wixom MI 48393
Due to the controversy associated with this Corporation known and operating as Career Agents Network.
I have no choice but to decline the acceptance of a Military Scholarship as well as any affiliation, association with this Corporation or its Contract of Service.
Rescission Irvin Carter Jr
Presss Release by: Career Agents
Career Agents Network Announces Winner of 2010 Career Agent Military Scholarship for “Entrepreneur Hero”
Career Agents Network is pleased to award Irvin Carter, Jr. the 2010 Career Agent Military Scholarship for "Entrepreneur Hero". Carter will receive a $20,000 scholarship for starting his own recruiting business, targeting high-growth industries, as a Career Agent.
Wixom, MI (PRWEB) March 4, 2010 -- Career Agents Network Announces Winner of their 2010 Military Scholarship for “Entrepreneur Hero”.
Launching his Career Agent practice, recruiting in-demand talent from high-growth industries, is an ideal fit for Mr. Carter, given his experience in human capital management, change strategy concepts and sincere interest in technology.
It is with great pride that Career Agents Network announces Irvin Carter, Jr. as their 2010 Career Agent Military Scholarship winner. Mr. Carter, or simply “Carter” to his friends, will receive a $20,000 scholarship for starting his own recruiting business, targeting high-growth industries, as a Career Agent.
Mr. Carter was born in 1952 in Philadelphia. In 1974 he joined the United States Army and for six years served our nation in Korea and Germany. He also served in the Washington State Army National Guard until 2004 when he retired a Master Sergeant. In the National Guard he served as the Community Service Lead and held positions in Employee Relations and Military Personnel Relations.
The non-military career of Irvin Carter spans television, real estate and human talent management.
In 1997 Mr. Carter, started Abbott Ames & Associates doing training development and business consulting for small businesses, and local government agencies.
“We are proud to have Irvin Carter, a true Entrepreneur Hero as our 2010 Career Agent Military Scholarship Winner and glad to have him in our organization,” says Paul Helm, President of Career Agents Network. “Launching his Career Agent practice, recruiting in-demand talent from high-growth industries, is an ideal fit for Mr. Carter, given his experience in human capital management, change strategy concepts and sincere interest in technology.”
Mr. Carter is based in Philadelphia and from there he will launch his new recruiting enterprise as a Career Agent and expects to target healthcare and medical practitioners.
Career Agents Network conducted its 2010 Military Scholarship over the past 60 days. Numerous applicants applied and although they did not win the scholarship, they are eligible for a $10,000 partial scholarship towards becoming a Career Agent until Armed Services Day, April 7th, 2010.
Career Agents Network is an international recruiting enterprise working in high-growth industries like medical recruiting, Health IT recruiting, and energy recruiting. Career Agents Network trains and supports qualified entrepreneurs in starting their own recruiting business using cutting-edge business intelligence software and a universal candidate exchange database shared between offices.
Find out more about Career Agents Network:
Paul Helm
Career Agents Network
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Debunking the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project
Comment: New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement
by: Keith Thompson aka: DystopainAwakening
define dystopia (from the Ancient Greek δυσ-: bad-, ill- and τόπος: place, landscape) (alternatively, cacotopia,, or anti-utopia)
As a person who loves history and the facts that have been verified, witness and supported orally. As a man of wisdom who understands we won't solve anything by stating who has the right or who is right. We all have a right as well as a choice. “When It Comes To The Truth”
And I do take a personal offense when I have been lied to and the truth has been twisted. “Especially”... To fit there own agenda. Personally I
@ (dystopian) don't see the connection that you see when it comes to the Zeitgeist Movement and its Addendum. It is well organized and succinct in its delivery.
No where does it suggest or infer a attitude in the negative regarding Christian peoples or their choice to believe in its dogma or doctrine.
“It's Faith people not Fact”
It has been verified and proven by a number of sources who are world citizens ill respective of their belief or nationality or country
That we are one people and one race human (homo-sapient) As far all the other esoteric constructs that have been presented they are (detours) separators and mind science of and error that is beneath the thought of a higher order man, woman or child. ...and no the Zeitgeist Movement is not for the man who is closed to the ideals and benefits that science and technology gives to all peoples and has given through the use of medicine and the power in us all. That is a God Ideal or Universal Ideal.
It is written as well as proven...Our Lord Jesus never penned a phrase...never gave birth to a child. It is also, written by his scribes... Greater works shall you do. Understanding the things that effect us Globally is our problem, we are the problems when it comes to poverty not the man, woman or child that has been birth in that ignorance...and Jesus is quoted as saying that the poor will be with you always...however, he is also quoted as saying greater works shall you do.
Are not of all the hills valley's of the World belong to our Father ...are we not one people, and not one separate people?. If all the resources of the world belong to all the people of the World. Would we have poverty, ill moral behavior, jails, and other aberrant behavior that plague our Nations and the industrialized World?
Not just our little corner of North America but the World. Keith Thompson, Dystopian, I do thank you on your Sincerity and your passion. Many have pursued avenues of passion...however, they were sincerely wrong. "That's the beauty of history and fact"
Your presentation is based on a doctrine that perpetuates a competitive mindset of power, control and fear.
proselytizing a dogma or a faith... is what got the World in the place we are in Now.
If you think for a moment that Peter Joseph in all his fallacies as a human is under some degree to issue in the Anti-Christ or some World Order. I don't even know the man personally “That's A Stretch”
If it was about money... I'm sure he would be rich by now. “Of course if we stay as we are we will get to go to heaven” Sounds fantastic
Here is the link with references in a PDF format... Aware... Voc Rehabilitation's Top 5 False Reasons for Benefits Denial
Thousands of disabled veterans apply for Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation ever year. Some are successful in getting the benefits they deserve and some are not. In my time researching and writing on the subject, there seems to be a common theme arising: lies. This leads one to conclude that either there are guidelines to excuses somewhere that Voc Rehab Counselors live by, or there is an underlying discussion between offices as to what excuses can be used to keep deserving disabled veterans from their benefits.
It reminds me of a period of my life when I spent a great deal of my recreational time researching the Bible. Living in England at the time, I used the ESV Bible, the Cambridge Companion to the Bible, the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, and a copy of The Living Buddha, Living Christ that my grandmother sent me. Over the years, scholars have found there to be such commonality between
the New Testament Gospels that they came to believe there existed a fifth text referred to as “Q.” Q is believed by many scholars to be the first written gospel that contained many of the quotes and anecdotes of Jesus’ time on Earth.
More Here :
Voc Rehabilitation's Top 5 False Reasons for Benefits Denial
Written by Ben Krause Wednesday, 03 February 2010 05:56
The lies they tell.

It reminds me of a period of my life when I spent a great deal of my recreational time researching the Bible. Living in England at the time, I used the ESV Bible, the Cambridge Companion to the Bible, the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, and a copy of The Living Buddha, Living Christ that my grandmother sent me. Over the years, scholars have found there to be such commonality between

More Here :
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hold That Gavel "How Often Are You Quick To Judge?"
Reflection from Your Leader, Mentor, Friend
~ Easter Soldier ~
Hold That Gavel
Never Be Too Quick To Judge Anyone... Author Unknown
'Some people!' snorted a man standing behind me in the long line at the grocery store. 'You would think the manager would pay attention and open another line, 'said a woman.
I looked to the front of the line to see what the hold up was and saw a well-dressed, young woman, trying to get the machine to accept her credit card. No matter how many times she swiped it, the machine kept rejecting it.
'It's one of them welfare card things. Damn people need to get a job like everyone else,' said the man standing behind me.
The young woman turned around to see who had made the comment.
It was me,' he said, pointing to himself.
The young lady's face began to change expression. Almost in tears, she dropped the welfare card onto the counter and quickly walked out of the store. Everyone in the checkout line watched as she began running to her car. Never looking back, she got in and drove way.
After developing cancer in 1977 and having had to use food stamps; I had learned never to judge anyone, without knowing the circumstances of their life. This turned out to be the case today.
Several minutes later a young man walked into the store. He went up to the cashier and asked if she had seen the woman. After describing her, the cashier told him that she had run out of the store, got into her car, and drove away.
'Why would she do that?' asked the man. Everyone in the line looked around at the fellow who had made the statement. 'I made a stupid comment about the welfare card she was using. Something I shouldn't have said. I'm sorry,' said the man.
I looked to the front of the line to see what the hold up was and saw a well-dressed, young woman, trying to get the machine to accept her credit card. No matter how many times she swiped it, the machine kept rejecting it.
'It's one of them welfare card things. Damn people need to get a job like everyone else,' said the man standing behind me.
The young woman turned around to see who had made the comment.
It was me,' he said, pointing to himself.
The young lady's face began to change expression. Almost in tears, she dropped the welfare card onto the counter and quickly walked out of the store. Everyone in the checkout line watched as she began running to her car. Never looking back, she got in and drove way.
After developing cancer in 1977 and having had to use food stamps; I had learned never to judge anyone, without knowing the circumstances of their life. This turned out to be the case today.
Several minutes later a young man walked into the store. He went up to the cashier and asked if she had seen the woman. After describing her, the cashier told him that she had run out of the store, got into her car, and drove away.
'Why would she do that?' asked the man. Everyone in the line looked around at the fellow who had made the statement. 'I made a stupid comment about the welfare card she was using. Something I shouldn't have said. I'm sorry,' said the man.
'Well, that's bad, real bad, in fact. Her brother was killed in Afghanistan two years ago.. He had three young children and she has taken on that responsibility. She's twenty years old, single, and now has three children to support,' he said in a very firm voice.
'I'm really truly sorry. I didn't know,' he replied, Shaking both his hands about.
The young man asked, 'Are these paid for?' pointing to the shopping cart full of groceries.
'It wouldn't take her card' the clerk told him.
'Do you know where she lives?' asked the man who had made the comment.
'Yes, she goes to our church.'
'Excuse me,' he said as he made his way to the front of the line. He pulled out his wallet, took out his credit card and told the cashier, 'Please use my card. PLEASE!' The clerk took his credit card and began to ring up the young woman's groceries.
Hold on,' said the gentleman. He walked back to his shopping cart and began loading his own groceries onto the belt to be included. 'Come on people. We got three kids to help raise!' he told everyone in line.
Everyone began to place their groceries onto the fast moving belt. A few customers began bagging the food and placing it into separate carts.. 'Go back and get two big turkeys,' yelled a heavyset woman, as she looked at the man.
'NO,' yelled the man. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. The entire store became quiet for several seconds. 'Four turkeys,' yelled the man. Everyone began laughing and went back to work.
When all was said and done, the man paid a total of $1,646.57 for the groceries. He then walked over to the side, pulled out his check book, and began writing a check using the bags of dog food piled near the front of the store for a writing surface. He
turned around and handed the check to the young man. 'She will need a freezer and a few other things as well,' he told the man.
The young man looked at the check and said, 'This is really very generous of you.'
'No, ' said the man. 'Her brother was the generous one.'
Everyone in the store had been observing the odd commotion and began to clap. And I drove home that day feeling very American.
We live in the Land of the free, because of the Brave.
Remember our Troops of Yesterday and Today!!!
'I'm really truly sorry. I didn't know,' he replied, Shaking both his hands about.
The young man asked, 'Are these paid for?' pointing to the shopping cart full of groceries.
'It wouldn't take her card' the clerk told him.
'Do you know where she lives?' asked the man who had made the comment.
'Yes, she goes to our church.'
'Excuse me,' he said as he made his way to the front of the line. He pulled out his wallet, took out his credit card and told the cashier, 'Please use my card. PLEASE!' The clerk took his credit card and began to ring up the young woman's groceries.
Hold on,' said the gentleman. He walked back to his shopping cart and began loading his own groceries onto the belt to be included. 'Come on people. We got three kids to help raise!' he told everyone in line.
Everyone began to place their groceries onto the fast moving belt. A few customers began bagging the food and placing it into separate carts.. 'Go back and get two big turkeys,' yelled a heavyset woman, as she looked at the man.
'NO,' yelled the man. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. The entire store became quiet for several seconds. 'Four turkeys,' yelled the man. Everyone began laughing and went back to work.
When all was said and done, the man paid a total of $1,646.57 for the groceries. He then walked over to the side, pulled out his check book, and began writing a check using the bags of dog food piled near the front of the store for a writing surface. He
turned around and handed the check to the young man. 'She will need a freezer and a few other things as well,' he told the man.
The young man looked at the check and said, 'This is really very generous of you.'
'No, ' said the man. 'Her brother was the generous one.'
Everyone in the store had been observing the odd commotion and began to clap. And I drove home that day feeling very American.
We live in the Land of the free, because of the Brave.
Remember our Troops of Yesterday and Today!!!
A great example of why we should be kind and patient. Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Does A Cat Hunt Mice...Is Washington Broke
Develop Design Destiny “Does A Cat Hunt Mice”
Have this word...although they are dated... hear the message. Put away the things that will hinder truth. See the writing, understand and put into action. Step by step. Read and let us compare notes... 1 year from the date. All it will cost is your time when you are doing nothing.
Copy and paste link:
Wallace D.pdf Get exposed to the Creative
“Let me know.”..and if you agree after your review. Please, please, please as JB said... Pass it On.
It is not a means for you...only towards ending the poverty and injustice of our land. "This Land Is Your Land"...this land is my land...this land was made for U & Me... Pete Seger..
TIMELINE: Thursday March 21, 2010
In Your Community there is a quiet storm brewing. Outcomes to be expected are experiential, although I do believe a step in the right direction. Operation and presents or presentations have been bombarded and over vocalized from the simple of heart and mind. Which at times are frustrating ...if you get my drift. Another thing I do have to give leadership the benefit of the doubt of keeping it together. I sense and feel the cream rising to the top...but we ain't even there or even close. As I have often said. “How do you eat and elephant” 1 bite at a time
Debriefing from the competitive to the creative is not and easy task especially when the whole world has been conditioned in the competitive way of life. “When good men see bad things and do nothing they are just as guilty as those who commit them” A recent question was asked is Washington Broke? Does a cat hunt mice...
A word to the wise is worth a pound of prevention...understand the forces you are up against. As scripture says plainly we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with powers that dwell in high places. Understanding the dynamics of your mindsets, dilemmas, and conditioning in the competitive arena will allow you to understand and grow in the creative.
A quote from ZZ “the greatest nation in the world is the imagiNation”
Wallace D.pdf Get exposed to the Creative
“Let me know.”..and if you agree after your review. Please, please, please as JB said..."I Love You So" Pass it On.
Always, in your service
for we are the world!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
"Right Wrong or Indifferent"
Develop and Design Destiny "Right Wrong or Indifferent"
5 Haiku You
Let the chips fall ...
give it your all
write a destiny
right a destiny
both are important
A short quote; from a man of honor who once told me first, and then he taught me...Play by your rules and "Do No Harm" Which I later added.
Personally it was a way to tap into the spirit and mind of learning and development.
Are you in touch with you...the divine that resides in the innerspaces of the who am I...?
This frame of mind is a blend of consciousness that lives on many dimensions. We all know that learning comes through the sense mechanism. Simple things like the eyes, ears, nose, taste, touch. And...
Life Long Learning is not new...but if your living in the passe' a trend which fades into and era. rattail combs, gericurls, highboy collars..which is and passe'.
However, if your interested into tapping into that lifestyle of wealth, love, joy and a mindset that endorses developing and designing a destiny that defines you. I know this could be shocking to hear this stuff.
Every bodies a teacher and a prophet on this or on that. "Which is true...there are many who present the truth on the competitive realm". The experience of learning and developed consciousness is not a step into the oh' la la. Believe it or not this stuff actually works.
When you put it into practice. Words have power...many people to day use them and really can't understand why things are not changing. Even though it would appear that they are doing the right things. If you need a cop. "Call one..." but if you need someone to help channel you into the best and brightest you can stand. Get a Coach a
SME (subject matter expert)...who has the experience and the know how.
Consultants and experts are a dime a dozen. I would be the first to admit. Every Consultant or Coach should give you a 1 Hour Trial with a no-charge, even if their fee is a premium.
First of all...and yes they may be all that, and a bag of chips...hell they may even have and A List of clients. Although that adds credibility but not always satisfaction. This is the age of new beginnings.
This wave of change is not just a universal understanding that nothing and no one should stay the same. Actually I would say that it is an imperative.
Unless you are progressing (positive outcomes)in any business, skill, craft or trade, you are starting to stink... You have a desire to change just don't know how...Seek out a change agent, a coach, a consultant. Read or listen to audio books, look at PBS but get a grip before its to late. Your future is your destiny...
Knowing something is not always growing in that thing, mindset or lifestyle. Being conscious is not always being in the spirit or in the harmony of the "Who Am I' It's not defined by your Job unless that's your priority. However, what will it be when you can no longer operate in that capacity?
This thought of thinking will allow you to be the director. And where you want to go, and how you plan or getting there. WoW, understand the dynamics of developing and action plan (POA) ...even if it never comes to bare fruit. It's a step in the right direction. A coach can help you get there...Today there is no excuse and not only is it a growing trend. Its also a Higher Order of Thinking.
Right Wrong or Indifferent.
Comment if you can...
Monday, February 15, 2010
February Black History Month excerpt from Author A. Adar Ayria
Monday, February 15, 2010
Posted by A. Adar Ayira, Project Manager of the More in the Middle Initiative, Associated Black Charities, under Race
In 1926, when Carter G. Woodson first advocated for “Black History Week,” not only were the contributions of African descendants ignored, but American history was deliberately whitewashed (pun intended). Those responsible for writing what we now accept as the popular history of this country whitewashed the contributions of people of color, whitewashed the white-supremacist aspect of the country’s foundation and history, and whitewashed the generational impact—economic, legal, political, business—of those decisions.
In the time between 1926 to 2010, much has changed, especially as it relates to the laws and customs that upheld racial oppression. The change is undeniable and should rightfully be celebrated, even as we continue to live with the impact of the legacy of American Apartheid.
So do we still need one month to emphasize and “celebrate” Black History? Here is an alternative: Let’s do an overhaul of what is represented as “American History” so that the history of those of European descent is not over-represented, while the histories of others who make up and contribute to this country are not under-represented.
Every citizen should expect a more comprehensive and inclusive American history to be taught in schools each and every month of the year. As a country we should be ready to accept a history that is more truthful in its inclusiveness and in its honest recognition of the our country’s deeply flawed character. More importantly, as it relates to its citizens of color, without turning away, denying, or minimizing historical racial oppression. Nor should we continue in its legacy continuing in economic, educational, and social impacts on Americans of African descent and other people of color.Finally, I would audaciously propose that we take care to contextualize the history of this country in a way that emphasizes thoughtful and inclusive context over American mythology. Let’s go deeper than the use of constant staples such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and others whose lives and stories only skim the surface of a vibrant and robust history and the meaningful contributions of African descendants in America.
Let’s stop framing their stories in a way that strips them of their essence and re-packages them in ways that negate the context of the times and the veracity of their causes.Let’s go deeper than re-working the history of African descendants and other people of color to ensure that they are a “comfortable” fit for a historical context that is viewed from the lens of American mythology (“land of the free, home of the brave,” “all men created equal,” and the like) and from the lenses and perspectives of those who have had and continue to have a clear bias and agenda in promoting and maintaining this mythology.
The fact that there is still a need for Black History Month instead of a wholesale incorporation of it in American History—from the lenses and perspectives of those who generationally experienced the “backside” of the American experience—speaks volumes about who we are as a country; how we (still) feel about the truth of our history; and how far we have, and have not, come.
The Dell's & Zeitgeist the movie 2 excellent pieces
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Happy New Year to All and I trust all is well... This piece is just sums it up ...there are others who see things as well!
My prayer and the wisdom of our Creator/God "I ask"give us wisdom and insight(s) to do no harm. To strengthen our Nation and Republic holding true to our history and traditions...
As I stated it's LONG. 60 minutes +... Excellent mind bender...Social Psychology morals and garbage. The make up of the American dream, plan and scheme to some. What ever the case may be the election of our 44th President has sent us on a way to except our history and to work towards a common goal and purpose. A House divided will fall. Although, where there is peace with harmony accepted, appreciated, aligned, united in faith that we have all things in common purpose family, community, nation. United We Stand Divided We Fall
On The Lighter Side "The Dells" soundtrack Obama collage and a short with pictures. (swp) Also donate if you can...even $5.00 USD Thanks bam (love yah! )for the piece...
I Hope all is well with you and family. Give Me hollar! icjr
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