Michael Savage puts forth a New Age McCarthyism
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With his Narrow Thinking Michael Savage also believes that the Right elements are out to sabotage his Brand of (BS) Bad Science and ideals. My words of course ...and I say Thank goodness... and please don't get it twisted I am grateful for Men like Michael Savage. Because Michael Savage makes you think.
His like of mindset is why we
live in America and have the
freedom of speech that we should treasure.
However, it is up to us to work to preserve all the positive things that we can glean from our history and foundational models of Justice for All.
[ie U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, States Rights and so forth. And to include all the Amendments. State and Federal.]
We don't need the use of narrow minded thinkers who only subscribe to there BS (Bad Science) why?
Because history points to the facts and the facts speak for itself. Nothing beats actual factual. The things that we have now is the Internet and technology (mass data resource of facts) with a multitude of collective data that will give us the positives as well as the negatives when it comes to doing the smart thing and the right thing for all peoples. The problem may be we just want to be entertained and lauded off to the good times again. Which is another topic.
I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU but I love America' and I hope you do as well. However it is high time we start working together and working smart in a 360 degree approach for All People not only in America but in the World. 'I do Believe' When we start and promote the people who do the work and who like and need to work - we do a good thing. The people, persons or groups who promote or proliferate old ideas like McCarthyism into a new package, or a similar ideology is troubling. All this rhetoric is because people I do believe and, government, and corporations or whatever, don't want people to learn, don't have the desire to learn, or they just want to be entertained.
Otherwise People like Michael Savage and his style of propaganda or rhetoric would not exist. I contend however, that any person who does not filter the community for feedback through a range of outlets really (today is a nincompoop) I do believe and will be short on change. Zig Ziglar would call that stinkin' thinkin' ...for a person to say he does not look at the News or any Television and talks to the public (niche) market is out of touch. 'I do believe ...As a WED (Workforce Education Development) Practitioner Anyone with half a brain will realize that the Corporations who are doing business with these kind of people (are edutainers ) I question that.
Not the people of America but the corporate puppets who disguise themselves as Politicians, Critics and Social Reformers. Any individual Politician, Critic or Social Reformer... 'I do believe' who puts his or her self or there constituents, audience or niche group before the good of All the American People is a saboteur and not an American. If we are a people who look out only for our self and those within our sphere of influence then we have lost sight of Our collective Deeds, Creeds and Ideals. In essence we are turning or should I say we are allowing this New age McCarthyism to divide US. Either we stand on the forefront of technology and science to work for the American people and the World or we will allow the World Corporatocracy and Oligarchies to use Science and Technology to control America and the World. “I Do Believe” BS(bad science), fixing the problem is not hard.
When did Schools stop or start teaching core competencies ?
Divided we fall united we stand
Do we have a brain.
America goes so goes the world. Link:
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