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Saturday, August 7, 2010

"Who Is This Guy" Blogs of the Nation

Develop Design Destiny 19141 and 98001
“Who the freak is this guy?”
thus the name of the report 19141 and 98001. 
I do hope all is well with you, family and friends as we wonder into this saga of actual factual or conspiracy thinking. It's no sweat if you believe or don't ...something has been a rye in America. However,   if you love Pete, you will like this guy.

No sweat that's ok-but you have to take a look at this guy if you love people and this land - “If you like Pete, you will like this... its an independence thing and I apologize for the code.” I hope you really get the gist of his message because freedom rocks. It don't matter if you blkorwht.
You can help this by getting your own domain and blog ...you never know, what the future may hold. http://www.9vey.ws 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dr. Josef Ben Levi Commentary

Dr Josef Ben Levi talks about the Ancient African Egyptians and the City of Carthage and how European History eliminated the contributions that came through Carthage and other great African civilizations. 

Here is Part 2 Dr. Josef Ben Levi

the bourgeois idiot

In response and defense of the bourgeois idiot

Develop Design Destiny “Idiots, the Bourgeois and Conditioning”
What is it about men and words and how they codify or characterize ones temple or thinking. Concepts of thinking or training/conditioning is inherit to a persons life. We are trained in following things not realizing the path of enlightenment is for the benefit of all peoples, not just a few. 

The science of sociology, philosophy, psychiatry and its history is record of the things we need or should do if we want a better life or life style. This information is not original nor are these thoughts... I am just a conduit, a vessel. If it takes root in understanding that's wonderful if it fails to hit a chord maybe its not your time.

Which brings me back to the topic of discussion. Of the bourgeois "Idiot" and there conditioning, and what I believe and how it relates to the Now. Not yesterday or days past how can you take something and apply it to today's living. Life is for living and having a plan of action makes sense for many people. 

Some people just bump along and follow the routine or the beat of a different drum. Sucking the life out of what ever comes there way making a difference in nothing or no one. If its not encouraging, motivating, interesting in a form of benefit then its a waste of time. “How will it help in the Now” what ever the path

When it comes to thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the inner spaces of the universe. A thought, concept, idea, philosophy, way of life in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged(imagined) by the thought. “would this be enlightenment”

The bourgeois idiot who may or may not be conditioned to his or her situation does not know that he has control of his destiny. Instead he bumps along being led astray by narrow minded concepts and historical data and innuendos drawn from word of mouth and self appointed guardians who only seek to criticize for control and misdirected guidance. (The power of the Prophesy) ref: Celestine Prophesy) 1This information is sometimes factual and sometimes misdirected by its promoters of historical ideas that went South even before they hit the four directions of our planet. ...and that is NEWS (North East West and South)and not sensationalism. 

A good example of this conditioning would be promoting speculation or historical data that is not relevant today and my situation. ie...example and the Purpose of Education

  1. To get a good Job
If you ask many people why they need education there reply is to get a good job. Which I do believe is ok if that's all you desire.

Unfortunately, this is the norm for many people that the only need for education plain and simple is to get a good job. The bourgeois idiot does not know this nor will he promote thinking stuff or igniting folks to think. Beyond getting a job ...That's why I believe it is important for people to have a plan of action. Most people can't follow this structure or way of thinking and the bourgeois idiot would not make people situp and pay attention. And yes he may ramble off a word of wisdom or two.

The heavens and the graveyards are filled with unfilled dreams aspirations and visions of people who were unfulfilled in there quest purpose and gift. Such as the bourgeois idiot...That is why I have embarked on helping those who desire to push the envelope in developing designing destiny. Not as I see it for you but as you see it for yourself...

With a little help from the creative in you brought to visibility is what a coach, mentor, adviser, teacher will do.
Get knowledge get understanding get wisdom. Get A Coach http://bit.ly/cccQz5 to unsubscribe from postings

1The Celestine Prophecy is a 1993 novel by James Redfield that discusses various psychological and spiritual ideas which are rooted in many ancient Eastern Traditions and New Age spirituality. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Celestine_Prophecy

Here is a great Article for Authors who are Struggling

Feel Like You've Failed As An Author?
Mr Friedman indicated in his article from EMSI (A PR Based on Performance Firm) that he talks with authors all the time or every day. He also indicates that many are ready to throw in the towel when it comes to promoting their books. 

It's either because they were unsuccessful in their own efforts to get the media interested in interviewing them, or worse, they hired a publicity firm to get them media coverage and the firm had little to no success.  This second scenario is really the worst one for an author as they can really lose faith in themselves and in the importance of their message.  

They tell me things like, "I guess people just aren't that interested in my topic..." or "maybe my message is old news..."
Are you this author?
If so, let me tell you a little story that may lift your spirits some ...or help you gain back your confidence.  It's about one of our current clients, a financial expert who authored a personal finance book. When his book came out, he literally spent tens of thousands of dollars with an agency that wound up booking a handful of interviews on radio when all was said and done.  They told him, very sadly mind you, that the media just wasn't interested in his message.

When he finally called me and told me his story, I couldn't believe it - the worst economy in 60 years, a well-written book, an author with impeccable credentials and the media wasn't interested in him and his message?  

I didn't buy it...we've just been at this publicity game too long and I knew that couldn't possibly be the case.  And of course I told him so.  But he was understandably wary and suspicious of anyone promising to help with his book promotion, and knowing what authors go through, I understood that completely.

Well, he came on board just three months ago and to date he's appeared as a guest on three national TV shows and eleven local TV shows (all network affiliate stations).  He's also been interviewed on 30 radio shows around the country and has received coverage in about 27 different publications. 
Yes, you could say he's a happy camper.  And, of course, we're happy for him too.  But what I love most about this story is that we were able to show him his message IS as important as he thought 

That the book he poured his heart and time and money into DOES have a valuable message, as evidenced by all the media that wanted to interview him.  
What I also love is that his enthusiasm and confidence has been restored - and that's priceless.  
You can call Mr Friedman to see if you are a candidate and have something to share to the World. EMSI is performance based. No performance, no increase, no pay. 

I know what you are going through. Call me at (727) 443-7115, ext. 202, or email me and let me help you, too.
Warm regards,
Steve Friedman

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Avoid the perpetual cycle

Develop Design Destiny “The Perpetual Cycle”
What are the benefits of the perpetual cycle? Looking in the 4 directions of the planet and the force that energizes its spin. Which is and can be another direction for some and others may not even know that it is there!

Everything can be subjective and this is where the Creative power in you can link up to all that is good. If you know something you can prepare and hopefully organize yourself to get ran over by that goodness. Is that a concept or what... Preparation and practice leads to understanding the cycle and circle of life. If you have the desire and gift to write, record, sing and do music. The technology abounds and all we have to do is develop a following ...if the desire is there, the talent and professionalism will follow. When you know without a shadow of doubt...and

Doing the right thing not just for yourself but in service to yourself through others is a balance in understanding you ...and your world. This is a cycle of life that you can prepare and in some cases predict. It's the art of living you, whether your a coach, doctor, lawyer or just a mom or a dad. Life works wonders when your in control of destiny “I do believe” Sadly many are not connected to their spirit nor the spirit of these times. I don't predict but patterns are hard to ignore hoping that something will happen or change... yet continuing the same old thing. That's what many have said is insanity

One thing about patterns if your in tune with things and stuff. Especially thinking stuff. Everything that ever was or is ...comes from thinking stuff. And yes these things are subjective and possible if your in touch with the creative mindset. So understanding and learning from this cycle is important for the here and the Now... I do believe and not the hereafter where ever that place may be ...even in my mind.

Get knowledge get understanding get wisdom. Get A Coach http://bit.ly/cccQz5