PA Report 24th March 2012
Note: 03/25/2012
So many things are happening when it comes to human growth, development evolution, and staying in touch with the world. Many people may find current affairs or news a bit intimidating, and for some people it is. However, most don't really pay attention, unless they think that they can get some attention. Although, it can be safe to say many people are just caught up in their own life and dilemmas and don't have a clue! Sad but true... many people are so busy with JOB, family, and or relations they can't, won't or haven't a clue how to relate to people who don't or can't relate to a theological God or other related ideologies. The Reason Rally brings that into the open dialog
Being an atheist to me is a label and personally, labeling things helps in identifying as well as discriminating and other stereotyping additages that people may think up to label another human being with. Of course traditions, ideals, faith, mindsets, good, bad or indifferent come from us all. These are the things that happen in our Nation, State, County and Towns. Which effect and also affects us all knowing and unknowingly. Would it be hard to imagine that there is a God, not any more than it would be to imagine there is not a God. 10,000 people were said to be in union at the Reason Rally as reported by the TimesUnion news.
As well we are not just the progressives, liberals, antichrists, or some of the other names we are tagged with by mainstream media or the establish folks. Names used are easy and can set up automatic discrimination or bias. Which for me is calling people other than what they are or should be called human. Why do I have to be White, Black, Gay, Straight, Heterosexual, or conservative, republican, democrat or independent. Why can't I be human and not a catholic, lutheran, jewish or islamic person. why can't I just be that in which I really am and represent human kind. 'As Human plain and simple
Which for me is an active path towards communicating and eliminating bias, and or stereotypes. Lets face it... we all do it. I can hear the Sunday Morning services in the Christian houses of worship, especially those who feel that sensationalism will bring more blessing. The subjects covered at the Reason Rally to many people refute the religious ideologies coming from christian fundamentalists.
Is the Reason Rally a step in the right direction? For too long the world has been in the dark ages when it applies to human development, reason and divinity and our evolution. The March 24th Reason Rally is a start as well as a call to action where science, technology and facts. Show rational understandings to the root causes of human deficiencies not because we don't have God's blessing. Many speakers and organizers show a sense of solidarity wearing red to match the scarlet letter "A" adopted by the community as a sign of solidarity, which touched on many issues that unite non theists — separation of church and state, science education, equality, rights for women and the influence of religion on politics, among them. Politics for all intensive purposes was a common theme, as many non theists are concerned about the religiosity of the Republican presidential candidates.
However, on the sidelines there were about 20 protesters. Bearing religious tracts and signs declaring the infallibility of the Bible, they vocally promised hellfire to nonbelievers. Stating ..."If they resist the gospel of Jesus Christ they will end up in a lake of fire," said Marvin Holmes, 70, who traveled from western New York with four people from three churches.
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