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Thursday, February 4, 2010

SO WHAT WHO ASKED? “Tea Party 2010”

SO WHAT WHO ASKED? “Tea Party 2010”

Not a lot of publicity or news coming in or going out of the Tea Party National Agenda. I have read some of the articles and discontentions that are coming from the writers of the movement. But what I have read is mainly from sources like CNN, PBS, Internet, and of course my email.

The Tea Party movement started, I thought to raise awareness and alert the American people. People, who felt that they were getting a raw deal from Washington and Capital Hill. Of course its not a real party but a grassroots organization that rose up out of contentions and over spending and the US debt created, by democrats, and republicans. However, when you look at the members who have been attending these functions, they're people who feel or are feeling like they've gotten a raw deal. Many are small business owners and just ordinary folks who have an allegiance to America. In which I am for a hundred percent. “Free Speech”

Some veterans, some retired, some who just feel that they have a right to there discontent. Right, wrong, agree or disagree. Granted, some of the people who “I believe” initially looked at the platform, thought that it was a good ideal. Yes ...lets' Get involved, let our government hear our voices. Although, the events that I have seen and tried to get an idea about. Seem to be all States Rights Issues. As and example: The California Water Rights debate issue for water for the farmers, and land developers. Even though the Secretary of the Interior issued a stop usage of water and actually taken away water rights for a few. Which included some growers and small land owners. “has been on going since the 90's” California water rights issues

My understanding of the problem and the history of water and water rights has been going on for a very long time. Warning had and has been given to farmers, and land owners for years. The use of water being restricted is not a new thing or a new problem for the State of California. Which is a State problem and a problem for the Federal Representation that represent California and its Governor . “Its not a Federal problem”

The Tea Party convention was marketed as an opportunity to bring Tea Party leaders from across the country together to network and support the movement's goals. But some see the high-ticket convention, organized by a for-profit organization, as contradictory to the group's bottom-up, grass-roots beginnings. [1] 1From a personal standpoint I see the Tea Party as a propaganda machine in spreading distrust , and further fractions within our political system and political affairs. ...and Not as a group who is raising the awareness of the poor leadership among the Legislature and Congress. Which mainly has to do with poor representation either in the State House of your State or your Federal Representations, Congressman and Senators.

It just shows how poorly we have educated ourselves and our children for the last 40 years. Its really a shame and a disgrace that many of the people who are swayed by hype, really don't know the politics of their own country. That is why we are in the place as a nation we are in now. Ignorance

1 Fractures emerge as Tea Party convenes

Contribution [1] By Kristi Keck, CNN

February 4, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

What Does Politics Say! "The Blurry Line"

Image: Medical Marijuana

Narcotics: The Blurry Line

Narcotics can alter minds and ruin lives. Users are often stigmatized, even reviled. Many users end up in prison, yet there are some people who have won the right to take illegal drugs. Medical marijuana is legal in close to 25 States.


The ancient Egyptians used marijuana for medical purposes and Piaroa shamans in Venezuela have used the hallucinogen Yopo for healing and enlightenment. Up to 85,000 people are behind bars for marijuana offenses. In 1996, California became the first state to legalize marijuana – or cannabis – for medical use, when Proposition 215 was passed by popular vote. Prop 215 allows qualified patients to possess, cultivate, and consume marijuana with immunity. Up until 1937, you could buy marijuana from your local store or pharmacy. The 1937 Act taxed medical marijuana out of existence and by the 1960s all marijuana was illegal. Health insurance does not cover the purchase of medicinal cannabis. Oaksterdam University was established in 2007, and teaches students all aspects of what’s come to be known as the cannabusiness.


During a part-shamanic, part-Christian religious ceremony, Amazonian shamans taught Santo Daime about the mixture of crushed caapi vine boiled with chacruna leaves that produces ayahuasca. He would later call the narcotic, daime. The active ingredient is Dimethyltriptamine (DMT) that is illegal in Brazil but legal in this part of the Amazonian forest because of its religious nature. Even children followers of Santo Daime are given small doses of daime that are carefully measured. In America, the active ingredient of ayahuasca is classed as a Schedule One drug. But since March 2009, it can legally be taken in America by Santo Daime followers because it is part of their religion and after American medical experts found no evidence that the drug caused the Daimistas any psychological damage.


Faced with a public health emergency with an increase in HIV in drug users using needles, the Canadian Federal Government created a place in Vancouver that allows addicts access to clean needles and give them a safe place to shoot up drugs.

Known as Insite, the government funded injecting clinic opened its doors in 2003. Insite provides everything an intravenous user needs to inject safely – clean needles, filters, sterile water, and alcohol swabs – everything but the drugs. According to one study, Insite clients are 70% less likely to share needles than other addicts in Vancouver. Insite also provides detox and rehab facilities.

The article was republish from National Geographic Taboo series Wednesday Nights at 10 PM to Read more: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/taboo/4598/Overview?source=email_channel#tab-facts#ixzz0eKgTGVbL
Taboo will test your boundaries and push beyond your comfort zone. Understand seemingly bizarre and shocking practices from around the world.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Worthless Servant


>>>>>>>LOG 8 01/31/2010


We are never the worthless servant for our deeds and words can come when we did not ask.

How we speak and affirm is important, for you will always be blessed when you have found your passion, mission or quest. “It's not a struggle” Your passion is yours

Each person is an original, and yet so different, its a thing of actions, reactions and stuff. “thinking stuff” When you are walking in your passion and true form...no mountain is to high and no valley is to low its a creative mind that flows. In balance with all things and environment. The world, earth and motion is right where we placed it. “Like a toy of a child,” sometimes treasured sometimes abandon. I love the world I'm in, how can I begin to say no, no, no don't let my world go.

Build her up ...the jewel that she is and all the worlds people. If people say we are not one then they lied...and you bit and received the virus of the mind. And no servant of choice is worthless but humble as a steed... with forbearance, grace and gratitude to do the will and wise thing in the welfare and exposed destiny for the children of the world are all our babies.

We are all one World, one People, one Planet with a common goal. What ever your passion may be, give thanks to your Father, for the World today, and to those who live in this era of doing the right thing and the smart thing, in the united states and the world.

The wise man prepares for the worse but practices with strength and doing every thing efficient in every manner each day for the best. That's a servant that is humble, and worthy, but never worthless.


