"March On for the Good of It"

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

“facts don’t lie.”

The wrath of lies and untruth will tell in time to the mass’s those who are wise and seek the truth… and the rest can kiss my sashes.

Neg-Ro is (you) yah blind, is yah?
In time some may forget so with my smart uhmmSELF I hand you a slip…
in pink, ain’t this blimp.

The ship I plan to sail and that man up the street, the girl in the corner store and my dogs don’t stink.

Given this rhythm should cause you to think.
And …not to mention those whom paved the way defending dying…
upholding a new life.

A beginning to an end…
too benefit its people through the strength of just simple involvement…
Yes even through thick and thin.

“To do no harm to a people, a land.”
It is said that the unrighteous will suffer and the creator will have reproof.

Their eyes gleam for they refuse to look within the eye of the truth.

Like the oceans that have the tides and the river’s that flows through our veins… is yah crazy…. undoubtedly it’s the same.

And Charlie says…Would you care to explain?


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