Is Big Brother Watching...well Big Brother has always been watching as long as you are not doing things that endanger the U.S. Constitution There should be no fear. I frankly set my itinerary up with the agencies in charge, unless you have secrets no worries, be happy, cautious and alert.
Here is and Alert Be Wise
Privacy & Rights:
Big Brother, May I?
Soon, You'll Need ...Uncle Sam's Permission to Travel Almost Anywhere
Last year, I wrote that if Uncle Sam gets his way, we'd all be on no-fly lists, unless the government gives us permission to leave - or re-enter - the United States.
That day has now arrived, but in addition to obtaining Big Brother's permission to travel internationally, a final rule pursuant to the U.S. Transportation Security Administration's "Secure Flight" initiative says we must now get it to travel from state-to-state."
At some point in the future, you'll need to reveal your name, gender, and date of birth when you make a domestic airline reservation. The airline will contact TSA to determine if you're cleared to board. If you're on any of TSA's watchlists (which include such deceased "terrorists" as Saddam Hussein, along with live ones such as Sen. Edward Kennedy), you'll need to provide an official document acceptable for federal identification purposes in order to travel.
Examples of acceptable identity documents are passports and the
"enhanced" driver's licenses required under the ill-fated "Real ID Act."
If you can't produce such a document, you can't board the plane.
This is the first time the U.S. government has restricted the right of sovereign citizens to travel inside the United States since the Civil War. And the TSA is imposing this restriction, despite numerous rulings from the Supreme Court indicating that you have a Constitutional right to travel.
According to the court, the right to travel is "not a mere conditional liberty subject to regulation and control under conventional due process or equal protection standards," but "a virtually unconditional personal right." International travel is specifically protected as well, for "Travel abroad, like travel within the country, may be necessary for a livelihood...Freedom of movement is basic to our scheme of values."
Further, the U.S. government has reiterated in its most recent report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee that, "...[I]n the United States, the right to travel—both domestically and internationally—is constitutionally protected." Perhaps it's time the government amend this declaration!
What this amounts to is essentially a reprise of the infamous "internal passport" system in effect in the former Soviet Union. In 1933, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin introduced "internal passports" that prohibited Soviet citizens from leaving their place of residence without permission.
Over time, the internal passport became the prime instrument of Soviet oppression over its citizens.
It's bad enough needing to ask Uncle Sam for permission to leave the United States, and to reenter it. But an internal passport is a blueprint for totalitarianism.
MARK NESTMANN, Privacy Expert &
President of The Nestmann Group
“Is This True?” what's the diff...
If you're going out of country...?
Is this being preventive or protective?
Is this a question for the State Dept?
Get 20% off Barefoot Tess Brand shoes! Use code: CUPID Get cute shoes and be ready for Cupid's arrow at Barefoot Tess.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bill Reilly Stirs up the pot..
Help! I need somebody, not just anybody, I need love, love, love. Lyric from a Beatles' tune. [Sixties era]. When things were simple and Jim Crow was alive and well. To include the breaking down of a cultural way of Life. When right was being White or looking and having the name of a European descendent's
I heard that Mr Kanye West is looking
at doing some Beatles' tunes...
have you heard?
. “Let me know”.. this one...this one.;_ylt=Aisap90LjihpNeiw1zbfe2MbFt0A?clink=dmps/beatles_she_loves/ctx=mid:3,pid:1809744894,pdid:3,pos:2,spc:14489115,date:20081112,srch:kw,x: Hear's the scoop on the song if you have never hear it or you would like to hear She Loves You yeah,yeah, yeah.
Where was Jim Crow?
...answer if you can
Bill Reilly Stirs up the pot...with his scrip tic and divisive contraian philosophy.
See the dialog Provided by Twest Cart Analysis, YouTube, and course Bill Reilly. Speaking with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson and Dr. Marc Lamont Hill
Help! I need somebody, not just anybody, I need love, love, love. Lyric from a Beatles' tune. [Sixties era]. When things were simple and Jim Crow was alive and well. To include the breaking down of a cultural way of Life. When right was being White or looking and having the name of a European descendent's
I heard that Mr Kanye West is looking
at doing some Beatles' tunes...
have you heard?
. “Let me know”.. this one...this one.;_ylt=Aisap90LjihpNeiw1zbfe2MbFt0A?clink=dmps/beatles_she_loves/ctx=mid:3,pid:1809744894,pdid:3,pos:2,spc:14489115,date:20081112,srch:kw,x: Hear's the scoop on the song if you have never hear it or you would like to hear She Loves You yeah,yeah, yeah.
Where was Jim Crow?
...answer if you can
Bill Reilly Stirs up the pot...with his scrip tic and divisive contraian philosophy.
See the dialog Provided by Twest Cart Analysis, YouTube, and course Bill Reilly. Speaking with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson and Dr. Marc Lamont Hill
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets
AP feed,0,7222892.story
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets
Good Idea? Bad Idea?
Comment: freestyle
AP feed
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets...
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets
Good Idea? Bad Idea?
Comment: freestyle
AP feed
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets...
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets
AP feed,0,7222892.story
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets
Good Idea? Bad Idea?
Comment: freestyle
AP feed
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets...
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets
Good Idea? Bad Idea?
Comment: freestyle
AP feed
Schumer to lotto off inaugural tickets...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Inauguration Ball 2009
Thanks! Kenyada and thanks also to Brenda for this....
Inauguration Ball 2009
Guests began arriving early. There are no place cards and
no name tags. Everyone knows everyone else here. Now, there's a grand
foursome - Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz sharing laughs with Martin and Coretta
Scott King. Looks like Hosea Williams refused the limo again, keeping it
real. And my goodness; is that Rosa Parks out there on the dance floor
with A. Phillip Randolph? Seated at a nearby table, Frederick Douglass has a captive
audience in W.E.B. DuBois and Fannie Lou Hamer, and Medgar Evers has just joined them.
Marian Anderson was asked to sing tonight, but she only agreed to do it if
accompanied by Marvin Gaye, John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix.
Look, there's Harriet Tubman. No one knows how she arrived, but there she
is. And my guess is that, when the time comes, no one will see her leave.
There's Jackie Robinson swiftly making his way through
the hall as the crowd parts like the Red Sea to the unmistakable sound of
applause. "Run, Jackie, run!"Along the way he is embraced by Jessie Owens.
Three beautiful young women arrive with their escorts - Schwerner, Goodman and
Chaney. Ms. Viola Liuzzo flew in from Michigan, exclaiming, "I could not
miss this." Richard Pryor promised to be on his best behavior.
"But I can't make any guarantees for Redd Foxx and Moms Mabley," he
chuckled. Joe Louis just faked a quick jab to the chin of Jack Johnson, who smiled broadly
while slippingit. We saw Billy Eckstine and Nat King Cole greet Luther
Van Dross. James Brown and Josh Gibson stopped at Walter Payton's table
to say hello.
I spotted Congressman Adam Clayton Powell of Harlem having
a lively political discussion with Eldredge Cleaver. Pearl Harbor WWII
hero Dorey Miller shared a few thoughts with Crispus Attucks,
a hero of the Revolutionary War. And there is Madam C.J. Walker talking
with Marcus Garvey about exporting goods to Africa.
General Benjamin O. Davis flew into Washington safely with
an escort from the 99th Fighter Squadron - better known as The Tuskegee
Airman. At the table on the left are three formidable women - Shirley
Chisholm, Sojourner Truth, and Barbara Jordan - gathered for a little
girl-talk... about world politics. As usual, all the science nerds seem to have gathered off
in a corner, talking shop.
There's Granville T. Woods and Lewis Latimer needling each other about whose inventions are better. Someone jokingly asked Benjamin Banneker if he had needed directions to Washington. And George Washington Carver was overheard asking, "What, no peanuts?"
Dualing bands? Anytime Duke Ellington and Count Basie get
together, you knowthe place will be jumping. Tonight is special, of course,
so we have Miles, Dizzy, and Satchmo sitting in on trumpet, with Coltrane,
Cannonball, and Bird on sax. Everyone's attention is directed to the
dance floor where Bill "Bojangles" Robinson is tap dancing. Right beside
him is Sammy Davis Jr., doing his Bojangles routine. And behind his back, Gregory
Hines is imitating them both. Applause and laughter abound! The Hollywood
contingent has just arrived from the Coast. Led by filmmaker Oscar Micheau,
Paul Robeson, Cana a Lee, and Hattie McDaniel, they find their way to their
tables. DorothyDandridge, looking exquisite in gold lamé, is seen
signaling to her husband, Harold Nicholas, who is standing on the floor with brother
Fayard watching Gregory Hines dance. "Hold me back," quips
Harold, "before I show that youngster how it's done." Much laughter!
Then a sudden hush comes over the room.
The guests of honor have arrived.
The President and Mrs. Obama looked out across the enormous
ballroom at all the historic faces. Very many smiles, precious few dry eyes.
Someone shouted out, "You did it! You did it!"
And President Obama replied,
"No sir, you did it; you all - each and every one of you - did it.
Your guidance and encouragement; your hard work and perseverance. .."
Obama paused, perhaps holding back a tear.
"I look at your faces - your beautiful faces - and I
am reminded that The White House was built by faces that looked just like yours.
On October 3, 1792, the cornerstone of the White House was laid, and the
foundations and main residence of The White House were built mostly by both
enslaved and free African Americans and paid Europeans. In fact, most of
the other construction work was performed by immigrants, many of whom
had not yet become citizens. Much of the brick and plaster work was
performed by Irish and Italian immigrants. The sandstone walls were built by
Scottish immigrants. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that The White House is,
ultimately, The People's House, with each President serving as its steward. Since 1792
The People have trimmed its hedges, mowed its
lawn, stood guard at the gate, cooked meals in the kitchen, and scrubbed its
toilet bowls. But 216 years later, The People are taking it back!
"Today, Michelle and I usher in a new era. But while
we and our family look toward the future with so much hope, we know that we must
also acknowledge fully this milestone in our journey. We want to thank each
and every one of you for all you have done to make this day possible. I
stand here before you, humbled and in awe of your accomplishments and
sacrifice, and I will dedicate my Presidency, in your honor, to the principles of
peace, liberty and freedom.
If it ever appears that I'm forgetting that, I know Ican count on you to remind me."
Then he pointed to me near the stage..."Kenyada, isn't it time for you to wake up for work?
Isn't it time for all of us to wake up and get to work?"
Suddenly I awake and sit up in bed with a knowing smile. My wife stirs and sleepily asks if I'm OK. "I've never been better," I replied, "Never better. It's gonna be a good day."
by Kenyada
http://www.dailykos .com/story/ 2008/10/29/ 1643/9807/ 819/645987
Inauguration Ball 2009
Guests began arriving early. There are no place cards and
no name tags. Everyone knows everyone else here. Now, there's a grand
foursome - Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz sharing laughs with Martin and Coretta
Scott King. Looks like Hosea Williams refused the limo again, keeping it
real. And my goodness; is that Rosa Parks out there on the dance floor
with A. Phillip Randolph? Seated at a nearby table, Frederick Douglass has a captive
audience in W.E.B. DuBois and Fannie Lou Hamer, and Medgar Evers has just joined them.
Marian Anderson was asked to sing tonight, but she only agreed to do it if
accompanied by Marvin Gaye, John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix.
Look, there's Harriet Tubman. No one knows how she arrived, but there she
is. And my guess is that, when the time comes, no one will see her leave.
There's Jackie Robinson swiftly making his way through
the hall as the crowd parts like the Red Sea to the unmistakable sound of
applause. "Run, Jackie, run!"Along the way he is embraced by Jessie Owens.
Three beautiful young women arrive with their escorts - Schwerner, Goodman and
Chaney. Ms. Viola Liuzzo flew in from Michigan, exclaiming, "I could not
miss this." Richard Pryor promised to be on his best behavior.
"But I can't make any guarantees for Redd Foxx and Moms Mabley," he
chuckled. Joe Louis just faked a quick jab to the chin of Jack Johnson, who smiled broadly
while slippingit. We saw Billy Eckstine and Nat King Cole greet Luther
Van Dross. James Brown and Josh Gibson stopped at Walter Payton's table
to say hello.
I spotted Congressman Adam Clayton Powell of Harlem having
a lively political discussion with Eldredge Cleaver. Pearl Harbor WWII
hero Dorey Miller shared a few thoughts with Crispus Attucks,
a hero of the Revolutionary War. And there is Madam C.J. Walker talking
with Marcus Garvey about exporting goods to Africa.
General Benjamin O. Davis flew into Washington safely with
an escort from the 99th Fighter Squadron - better known as The Tuskegee
Airman. At the table on the left are three formidable women - Shirley
Chisholm, Sojourner Truth, and Barbara Jordan - gathered for a little
girl-talk... about world politics. As usual, all the science nerds seem to have gathered off
in a corner, talking shop.
There's Granville T. Woods and Lewis Latimer needling each other about whose inventions are better. Someone jokingly asked Benjamin Banneker if he had needed directions to Washington. And George Washington Carver was overheard asking, "What, no peanuts?"
Dualing bands? Anytime Duke Ellington and Count Basie get
together, you knowthe place will be jumping. Tonight is special, of course,
so we have Miles, Dizzy, and Satchmo sitting in on trumpet, with Coltrane,
Cannonball, and Bird on sax. Everyone's attention is directed to the
dance floor where Bill "Bojangles" Robinson is tap dancing. Right beside
him is Sammy Davis Jr., doing his Bojangles routine. And behind his back, Gregory
Hines is imitating them both. Applause and laughter abound! The Hollywood
contingent has just arrived from the Coast. Led by filmmaker Oscar Micheau,
Paul Robeson, Cana a Lee, and Hattie McDaniel, they find their way to their
tables. DorothyDandridge, looking exquisite in gold lamé, is seen
signaling to her husband, Harold Nicholas, who is standing on the floor with brother
Fayard watching Gregory Hines dance. "Hold me back," quips
Harold, "before I show that youngster how it's done." Much laughter!
Then a sudden hush comes over the room.
The guests of honor have arrived.
The President and Mrs. Obama looked out across the enormous
ballroom at all the historic faces. Very many smiles, precious few dry eyes.
Someone shouted out, "You did it! You did it!"
And President Obama replied,
"No sir, you did it; you all - each and every one of you - did it.
Your guidance and encouragement; your hard work and perseverance. .."
Obama paused, perhaps holding back a tear.
"I look at your faces - your beautiful faces - and I
am reminded that The White House was built by faces that looked just like yours.
On October 3, 1792, the cornerstone of the White House was laid, and the
foundations and main residence of The White House were built mostly by both
enslaved and free African Americans and paid Europeans. In fact, most of
the other construction work was performed by immigrants, many of whom
had not yet become citizens. Much of the brick and plaster work was
performed by Irish and Italian immigrants. The sandstone walls were built by
Scottish immigrants. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that The White House is,
ultimately, The People's House, with each President serving as its steward. Since 1792
The People have trimmed its hedges, mowed its
lawn, stood guard at the gate, cooked meals in the kitchen, and scrubbed its
toilet bowls. But 216 years later, The People are taking it back!
"Today, Michelle and I usher in a new era. But while
we and our family look toward the future with so much hope, we know that we must
also acknowledge fully this milestone in our journey. We want to thank each
and every one of you for all you have done to make this day possible. I
stand here before you, humbled and in awe of your accomplishments and
sacrifice, and I will dedicate my Presidency, in your honor, to the principles of
peace, liberty and freedom.
If it ever appears that I'm forgetting that, I know Ican count on you to remind me."
Then he pointed to me near the stage..."Kenyada, isn't it time for you to wake up for work?
Isn't it time for all of us to wake up and get to work?"
Suddenly I awake and sit up in bed with a knowing smile. My wife stirs and sleepily asks if I'm OK. "I've never been better," I replied, "Never better. It's gonna be a good day."
by Kenyada
http://www.dailykos .com/story/ 2008/10/29/ 1643/9807/ 819/645987
Sunday, November 2, 2008
“What A Crock Of …you Guess it.”
“What A Crock Of …you Guess it.”
I know that alot of people have been hood winked…and a lot of us have been fooled at least once. I could go into several things. Although I would like to expound however, this is more important. LiveLeak on you tube is another tactic to bamboozled the people who need to get a Brain. Even if you are undecided …if you believe this without checking the facts then you need a class in remedial study hall (Political & Civics).
Have you seen the Video from LiveLeak on you tube …
Slick media content with the sublime packed…distorted truth that are actually lies...and it should get a nomination for Pants on Fire Award…but it does not win a nomination to become Commander Chief.
See the Video make up your own mind.
You never know the people who are true to themselves may get a revelation and repent…yes repent. Turn away from your wrong and change. Right (Their) They Wrong.
How many of us went to Vietnam thinking it was the right thing to do, later to find out that America’s rationale was corporate, not humanitarian. Corporate’s, affiliates, subsidiaries can you believe that?
(Just give me the Facts) …
People friends, associates brothers, sisters family.
I know what it means and how it feels to be a part of something.
If you believe that a man who’s been a State Representative and the Democratic party within the last 12 years have put the (our) nation in this situation here and abroad.
Then you need a transplant a renewing of the mind. (NKJB Rom 12:2) And do not be conformed to this world (the word World could mean a lot of lifestyles and beliefs that you are experiencing at this time in your life.) but be transformed (For revelation knowledge has revealed itself Truth) by the renewing of your mind. (Make a change to the facts) prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
“My Take if you worship the God of Guns Oil and Drugs then McCain is your man. If you have seen the facts and gathered the intake you know without a doubt… Barak is the man who has awaken Our Republic and you will vote for him. It’s Not Rocket Science its taking the hood off and seeing the Light and the ray of a new day.
However if you worship a God of Good Oratory Delivery then we must do our part in our Republic in which we stand be accountable. We are accountable for our words.
And to those whom we elect to represent the U.S. not the United State Corporation of Americas
I know that alot of people have been hood winked…and a lot of us have been fooled at least once. I could go into several things. Although I would like to expound however, this is more important. LiveLeak on you tube is another tactic to bamboozled the people who need to get a Brain. Even if you are undecided …if you believe this without checking the facts then you need a class in remedial study hall (Political & Civics).
Have you seen the Video from LiveLeak on you tube …
Slick media content with the sublime packed…distorted truth that are actually lies...and it should get a nomination for Pants on Fire Award…but it does not win a nomination to become Commander Chief.
See the Video make up your own mind.
You never know the people who are true to themselves may get a revelation and repent…yes repent. Turn away from your wrong and change. Right (Their) They Wrong.
How many of us went to Vietnam thinking it was the right thing to do, later to find out that America’s rationale was corporate, not humanitarian. Corporate’s, affiliates, subsidiaries can you believe that?
(Just give me the Facts) …
People friends, associates brothers, sisters family.
I know what it means and how it feels to be a part of something.
If you believe that a man who’s been a State Representative and the Democratic party within the last 12 years have put the (our) nation in this situation here and abroad.
Then you need a transplant a renewing of the mind. (NKJB Rom 12:2) And do not be conformed to this world (the word World could mean a lot of lifestyles and beliefs that you are experiencing at this time in your life.) but be transformed (For revelation knowledge has revealed itself Truth) by the renewing of your mind. (Make a change to the facts) prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
“My Take if you worship the God of Guns Oil and Drugs then McCain is your man. If you have seen the facts and gathered the intake you know without a doubt… Barak is the man who has awaken Our Republic and you will vote for him. It’s Not Rocket Science its taking the hood off and seeing the Light and the ray of a new day.
However if you worship a God of Good Oratory Delivery then we must do our part in our Republic in which we stand be accountable. We are accountable for our words.
And to those whom we elect to represent the U.S. not the United State Corporation of Americas
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Social and political discourse

Is it imperative that we fix our community, cities nation or should the Government fix it ...the last thirty years put us here. So...
This is a question of thought ... is "It is imperative" and crucial that we step forward to insure that our places for polling are (If you have not voted by ballot) free from any covert operations…
I’m sure that our friends will be counted on to stoop to just about any tactic.
To ensure that folks are hindered at the polls…What did the opposition do in Florida in 2000 and what did the opposition do in Ohio in 2004. This is not a conspiracy it was a judgement call. It is better to come back and engage in the truth and the freedom of our U.S. Constitutional system. Like it, learn it and participate.
“If you know what I mean.” This is not a time to be dreaming up just any ole
conspiracy theory. Just keep your eye’s, ears and action on the prize.
There are 17 days left till the American people will go to their places or polls to Vote. As we all know this is history and the party system of our republic still operates with fluidity, compromise and diversity.
So when you talk to someone who trivializes this time in your history. Whether things are good or not so good... well just look and smile.
There are people who see what's happening with awe, there are folks who wonder what's happening and they missed it. Then there are people who make things happen.
“Which type are you?" We are products of our own individual environment whether we agree and know it or whether we disagree and don't know.
Its not just history that a true son of our Father’s earth once again will break a psychological wall that many daughters and sons of our nation has built. America is a product of its elders, leaders and parents. Least we forget you can't do what you don't know. Unless you have the desire and the motivation to change. This may all come down to just...
This is a question of thought ... is "It is imperative" and crucial that we step forward to insure that our places for polling are (If you have not voted by ballot) free from any covert operations…
I’m sure that our friends will be counted on to stoop to just about any tactic.
To ensure that folks are hindered at the polls…What did the opposition do in Florida in 2000 and what did the opposition do in Ohio in 2004. This is not a conspiracy it was a judgement call. It is better to come back and engage in the truth and the freedom of our U.S. Constitutional system. Like it, learn it and participate.
“If you know what I mean.” This is not a time to be dreaming up just any ole
conspiracy theory. Just keep your eye’s, ears and action on the prize.
There are 17 days left till the American people will go to their places or polls to Vote. As we all know this is history and the party system of our republic still operates with fluidity, compromise and diversity.
So when you talk to someone who trivializes this time in your history. Whether things are good or not so good... well just look and smile.
There are people who see what's happening with awe, there are folks who wonder what's happening and they missed it. Then there are people who make things happen.
“Which type are you?" We are products of our own individual environment whether we agree and know it or whether we disagree and don't know.
Its not just history that a true son of our Father’s earth once again will break a psychological wall that many daughters and sons of our nation has built. America is a product of its elders, leaders and parents. Least we forget you can't do what you don't know. Unless you have the desire and the motivation to change. This may all come down to just...
A psychological mindset entrench from the bowels of slavery. Is it a barrier which we have built through the fear of GOD a realistic view of just faith. Or is it the Melanin syndrom. A thought which we desire we can’t have? Light wants to be dark…Black wanting to be White…are these significant identifiers to build in the mind / psyche that’s a question for you to answer.
there is only one thing to do and that is go for it MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT…Just the facts, just the facts… Compassion is the right choice. When you have the facts, you have truth and when you have compassion, truth and the belief and know that united we stand divided we will fall.
So go forth and…
Exercise your right to Vote…Free your mind from judgment, other peoples offenses and make a choice.
That’s going to be your part in solid id a fy ing (bringing)
us as a people with one goal. Strengthening the American
people…ensuring integrity an a even handed system.
Insuring Higher Order Thinking for every child
and every young person who is willing to work
and earn through enlisting in service to our nation and ourselves.
Enlisting in schools that teach military science. Gleaning youth from our urban and rural area’s to serve while in High School.
Specializing in Engineering, Science, Arts, Ecology and Leadership. These are the a major subjects that will strengthen our Guard and state units. To assist the sovereignty of our states
It is important that we address these issues for the sake of our national security along with educating our youth.
We must establish a sense and a accountability of our wealth and what we are depended upon.
We must establish a sense and a accountability of our wealth and what we are depended upon.
Clearly when T. Boone Pickens pick up the mantle and put his money where his mouth is…America its time to wake up. Anyone with half a brain and ga nawed off ear…knows damn well we should have not…gone into Iraq…once against we were Suckered…
All indicators show that the American people have been hooded winked and bamboozled. “However a man of vision would say just a stepping stone” So don’t let the wolf in sheep’s clothing fool you!
Speak to the corporate heads of state and the lobbyist, who control the business of America let us begin to put people in our legislative branches and judicial branches that serves the people… Within our States and Nation.
The symbol behind our Flags…the red white and blue, the red black and green, and our flags of statehood. More…
Special Symbols The American Flag
The American flag consists of 13 horizontal stripes, 7 red alternating with 6 white. The upper corner near the staff is a rectangular blue field that contains 50 five-pointed white stars. The thirteen stripes symbolize the 13 original colonies of the United states of America and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union.
White is said to symbolize purity and innocence; Red, hardiness and valor, and Blue, vigilance, perseverance and justice. The American flag is commonly called the Stars and Stripes, the Red, White and Blue, or the Star Spangled Banner.
Between 1777 and 1960, Congress passed several acts that changed the shape, design and arrangement of the flag and allowed for additional stars and stripes to be added to reflect the admission of each new state.
Act of January 13, 1794 - provided for 15 stripes and 15 stars after May 1795.
Act of April 4, 1818 - provided for 13 stripes and one star for each state, to be added to the flag on the 4th of July following the admission of each new state, signed by President Monroe.
Executive Order of President Taft dated June 24, 1912 - established proportions of the flag and provided for arrangement of the stars in six horizontal rows of eight each, a single point of each star to be upward.
Executive Order of President Eisenhower dated January 3, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in seven rows of seven stars each, staggered horizontally and vertically.
Executive Order of President Eisenhower dated August 21, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in nine rows of stars staggered horizontally and eleven rows of stars staggered vertically.
Today the flag consists of thirteen horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with 6 white. The stripes represent the original 13 colonies, the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and Innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice.
Here is the latest from the Zogby Poll:
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
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